Chapter four.

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  • Dedicated to @Liam_Is_My_Hero (twitter)

Okay, so a few of you said on the last chapter that you don't like how my story is Harry/Eleanor, not Harry/Louis... 

But don't give up reading it yet!! Because alot of shocks and confessions to come in the next lot of chapters!! :) xx 


Wednesday morning, 10 am

Louis groaned in pain as he woke up in an unfamiliar place. He pulled back the covers and saw that his body was covered in a hospital gown. Hospital gown... Oh that's right, Louis thought, I had my operation last night. He carefully hitched up his hospital gown so he could clearly see his stomach. There were 3 plastic patches over his skin, each covering an incision. Blood was trapped in big clumps underneath the patches, and Louis instantly felt sick. He pushed his gown down and lay back down, closing his eyes. His body ached; his stomach was in agony, he couldn't stand up, and the tube in the crook of his arm hurt like hell. And what's worse is that he reaaaalllyy needed to pee...

His thoughts were interrupted by the quiet click of the door opening, and footsteps heading towards his bed. He opened his eyes and saw Liam standing beside him, with Niall and Zayn close behind... But no Harry, Louis noticed.

"Hey babe, how are ya this morning?" Liam said cheekily, ruffling the older male’s hair.

"Hello my loves," Louis muttered, referring to them all, "m'not too well." He said, pouting. Niall presented him with a package and patted Louis' head in sympathy. The Irish lad planted a kiss on his forehead before stepping back.

"We bought you a present!!! I hope it cheers you up," Liam said cheerfully. Louis smiled a weak smile, and opened the package. He pulled out a navy blue pair of sweat pants, followed by a red and white striped top. A confused look appeared on his face, as he looked to Zayn for an explanation.

"They're pajamas!!!" Zayn said brightly. "We figured that you couldn't really walk around the hospital naked, so we bought you some new pj's," he explained further. Louis laughed and thanked them all.

"You might need some help to put them on... Here, I'll take you to the bathroom," Liam offered, carefully helping Louis sit up. Louis yelled as pain shot straight up his leg to his abdomen. 

"You okay?" Liam said calmly, trying not to freak out. Louis nodded, and continued to slowly swing his legs out of the bed, and onto the floor. Liam and Niall gripped his side and helped him to stand up, waiting for Louis to recover from his head rush. Liam then lead him step by step to the bathroom, carrying the bag with Louis' new pajamas in it under one arm, and supporting Louis with the other.

"By the way, I need to pee..." Louis said awkwardly to Liam. Liam let out a loud laugh. 

"Well I'm not helping you with that!!" he said, guiding Louis through the door and shutting it behind them.

"So where'd you disappear to last night?" Niall said, nudging Zayn. He had ventured over to his band mates apartment the night before, only to find that he wasn't home. Zayn smiled a shy smile.

"I was at Shannon's," he said quietly, still smiling. Niall admired the older lad. He had been in a relationship for 8 months and still got shy when talking about his girlfriend. Niall and the other boys could tell that she meant the world to him, and totally shipped "Zannon". Zayn was going to be the first one to settle down, and they all knew it.

"Good for you mate," Niall said cheerfully, patting Zayn's back. Zayn laughed, but his expression soon turned into one of concentration. He sat down on the bed and leaned into his thoughts.

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