Chapter 7

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Levi's POV

"Yes, it is." I answered while I squeezed Eren's hand a bit tighter in agitation. I scowled and looked at my father in a way that says 'Don't say anything rude while he's here' or a 'Don't fuck this up for me.' It pissed me off that he was always ranting and judging me on my sexuality. I'm supposed to marry soon and become the king. He can't do anything about it.
"Okay. Well I'll talk to you later then." He said and looked back down at his papers. I may have accidentally tightened my grip to hard because once we got back to my room Eren started complaining to me.
"That hurt." He whined and rubbed at his wrist as he sat on my bed.
"Sorry." I said as I sat down beside him on my bed.
"It's okay, but what was that?" He asked while I placed an ice pack on his hand. I held it there as I thought of how to answer the question. I decided to be blunt.
"He's a homophobe and is uncomfortable with the idea of 2 guys being together." I told him hoping he'd understand. He nodded as if to say he understands and we both laid back on my bed. I rested my head on his chest as we lay there in comfortable silence while he played with my hair. I started to feel heat rush to my face as I remembered the events of earlier today. I kind of wish we'd could've kept going, but I couldn't start again now. I'm too comfortable here with him. There was no doubt in my mind that I loved Eren. He soon nodded off to sleep and left me to my thoughts. I wanted to properly ask him out. It has to be special though. I would do a date on the beach, but that is the go to date for anyone. I also want to take this sort of slow. THAT'S IT! I yelled in my head for I had the perfect idea for the date. I soon started to drift off in happiness with the sound of Eren's heart beating in my ear practically singing me to sleep.

*Time skip brought to you by Erwin's bushy brows*

It was around 8 in the morning when I woke up. I felt arms wrapped around my waist and realized Eren was still in the same bed as me. I could tell I was blushing and tried to hide it as I heard Eren start to wake up. I buried my face in his chest and his arms held me even tighter than before. He nuzzled his nose into my hair which caused me to blush more. He kissed the top of my head which caused me to look up at him tiredly. His cheeks were a rosy pink and his eyes were wide with shock. He probably didn't know I was awake. I couldn't help but stare into those beautiful eyes that led me here in the first place. Those beautiful turquoise eyes making me fall farther and farther in love with this boy. I leaned up and pecked him on the lips. I needed him. He was my lifeline, my support. And no one could take him away from me. Not even my father.
"I'll be back" I told him as I got up from my spot leaving him to pout with a mumbled 'okay' escaping his lips.
I left the room and headed towards Hanji's lab. She would most likely be awake because she NEVER sleeps. I knocked upon entering and half way through the knock the door swung open.
"LEVI!!!" She screamed and hugged me.
"Get off of me four eyes." I said more gentle than usual.
"What can I do ya for?" She asked while slowly letting me go.
"I need your help setting up a date so I can ask Eren out properly." I told her and she was practically flying with joy. I would say jumping but she was already jumping before that.
"Well of course I will help you!" She screamed joyfully and ran to Erwin's room.
"ERWIN DISTRACT EREN ALL DAY!" She yelled and ran back to me as fast as she could.
"Why did you do that?" I asked her angrily.
"Well if you're gonna make this perfect then you will need a lot of time." She said and I had to admit that she was right.
"Tch. Okay." I complied and she dragged me along.

Eren's POV

I got changed and heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see Erwin leaning on the doorframe.
"You're hanging with me today. Hanji dragged Levi off somewhere and I'm supposed to keep you busy." He said calmly. I just nodded and got off the bed. He took me on a tour of the castle showing me the bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, bedrooms, study, lounge, library, guest bedrooms, garden, ballroom, and finally the stables. He then led me to a specific side of the stables where there were more horses.
"Since you are probably going to live here now you should pick a horse." He said and I saw a glint of amusement in his eyes. I could tell he was curious about my selection. I look at all of the horses and ended up picking a black stallion.
"Now give it a name." He said as I looked back at the stallion. I stood there for a few minutes lost in thought.
"If it helps...My horse's name is Bean, Hanji's horse's name is Sonny, and Levi's horse's name is Colossal." He said and I thought more.
"Liebe." I said thinking it was just perfect. Considering he wasn't all that bad of a person.
"What does that mean?" Erwin asked me with a curious expression.
"It means 'love' in German." I answered and ran my fingers through the horse's mane. Erwin then helped me put the saddle on the horse and helped me mount the horse. It's sad how much these horses remind me of Jean. I thought as I directed my horse to follow Erwin and his horse Bean. We took a ride through the garden and I admired the beauty of all of the beautiful flowers. Then we stopped and I saw Levi approaching us on his white horse.
"I guess that's my cue to leave then. Bye Eren." Erwin said as he rode off back to the stables.
Levi rode up beside me on his horse.

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