Chapter 2

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Eren's POV

"HEY YOU SON OF A BITCH. THAT'S MY SUIT!" He yelled loudly at me.

"W-well since it was old and didn't fit you anymore I thought I could just borrow it for the night." I told him which made him even angrier.

He soon grabbed the collar of my shirt and started to tear the suit. He left me in a tattered shirt and pants. He had taken the shoes off forcefully too. I started to cry and ran out to the garden to cry where no one could see me.

Then I heard something...

I picked up my head to see what it was, but I couldn't see anything from the position I was in. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I jumped with fright as I turned around to see a petite boy. He had a blond coconut shaped haircut and bright blue eyes. He had a huge grin on his face as he looked at me.

"W-who are you?" I asked slightly frightened but amused at what I had seen before me.

"I'm Armin. Your fairy godmother!" He said happily and I wondered about the godmother part while not even questioning the fairy part of what he had just said.

"I'm here to get you to the ball!!!" He exclaimed a little too happily as I started to stand up.

"R-really?" I questioned while I rubbed the tears away from my eyes.

"Yup! I just need a pumpkin, 4 small mice, and 2 big rats." He ordered and I gave him a curious look with a raised eyebrow as I followed his orders.

Once I had gathered all of his requested items he pulled out a blue and white crystal wand. He then chanted out a song and changed the pumpkin into a beautiful carriage, the mice into beautiful white stallions, and the rats into servants with one of them being the coach.

He started to push me towards the carriage, but I quickly halted and turned around.

"Wait! I can't go looking like this!" I somewhat yelled at him and felt bad about yelling directly afterwards. He took out his beautiful wand again and chanted something else as he casted a spell of some sort on me. I had closed my eyes afraid of what was happening, but when I had fully opened my eyes again I saw a beautiful white suit on me with a shiny gold trimming.

I looked down and realized I still didn't have shoes on. I pointed to my feet and he sighed as he casted another spell. I looked down at my feet and saw white high tops on my feet. They were so clean and nice. I quickly thanked him and hopped into the carriage.

"Wait! Eren! The spell wears off when the clock strikes midnight!" He yelled as the carriage started to move. As I was in the carriage I had realized that there was also a white mask on my face to hide my identity from my family.

I silently thanked Armin as we approached the castle. We made our way to the entrance when I had been helped out of the carriage and greeted by many people. I stood in my place hesitantly as I looked at the huge castle in front of me. I slowly entered the ballroom and walked around. I saw the prince sitting on the throne and of course he looked handsome.

Of course I would think that. I'm probably the only gay boy in this town and I'm not wealthy like any of the women who have showed up. I was merely a servant. I watched as men and women waltzed gracefully. I was leaning against a pillar on one side of the room. I saw the prince stand from the throne and the music kept playing.

I didn't know if my eyes were deceiving me, but I'm pretty sure he had been staring at me from across the ballroom. This had to be wrong. He was probably staring at some wealthy woman behind me.

I turned around and looked from side to side to see the woman he was looking at. To my surprise no one was there. So he was looking at me. I guess I had caught his attention, but how? I thought to myself as his eyes stayed fixated on me. He turned slightly to the blonde man with big eyebrows beside him and started whispering something to him. The blonde man nodded a few times before nodding back at the Prince. I hadn't quite realized how handsome he was until now.

He was wearing a dark navy blue suit with a white trim and black dress shoes. He was about 5"3 and had black hair that was parted in the middle with an undercut. It was quite odd, but it worked very well on him.

I think he realized I was staring because after a glance back over to me and one last nod from the blonde he started to walk elegantly down the steps from his throne.

He slowly walked over to me in small strides. I stared curiously at what he was doing as the crowd parted for him to get through and they stared at me contently. You could see all of the confused looks on the lady's faces as he had come to engage me in something instead of them.

There were only about 10 or so steps left until he would be in front of me. His face was still stone cold as he approached me, but you could see curiosity in his eyes. He looked somewhat sweetly at me as he continued his last few strides across the glossy dance floor.

The crowd had gone silent and watched me intently as well as the Prince to see what he was going to do to me. I was also in confusion as he made his final step.

To everyone else it seemed like a few seconds but to me it felt like it had taken him an hour to get to me. Once he finally stood in front of me he said something that surprised me to no extent.

To be continued...

The Glass High Top ~ Ereri ~ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now