Chapter 6

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Eren's POV

"Levi...?" I asked still surprised myself at what I was looking at.
"What are you doing in there?" He asked not realizing this was my home and my sobs become louder as I removed my high top from it's hiding place.
"This is my home." I said through the tears and I saw Levi run back towards the front of the house. I whipped my head to look behind me as I heard a door slam from down stairs. I heard Grisha and Levi yelling at one another, but couldn't quite make out what they were saying. A few moments later I heard someone running up the stairs. The door suddenly flung open and Levi came running in. I stood up as the shorter man ran up to me and embraced me in a hug. It felt like it was only us standing there in that moment until...

"Don't touch my son." Grisha said from the doorway and I looked up and glared at him.
"I'm not your son, nor will I ever be." I stated curtly and he looked at me in shock.
"I gave you a home and we all care for you very much." Grisha stated trying to sound sympathetic, but I could see the evil glint in his eyes.
"No. You know what you gave me? You gave me depression and a shitty job as your servant. You don't love me. You never did." He looked generally upset with me. Jean and Mikasa just stood to his sides with shocked expressions with hints of jealousy. I looked down at Levi who had his head turned to Grisha; staring daggers into him. If looks could kill he'd definitely be dead. I wouldn't mind, but that's just rude. Then he looked back up at me with a soft look in his eyes.
"Let's go." He said softly and he grabbed my hand and led me out of the door. Grisha followed us down the stairs and tried to stop us but had no luck in doing so. We ran out and I hopped in the passenger seat of his car. He jumped in the front seat. He put the key in the ignition and sped away.
"Oh. Well hello! I'm Hanji!!!" She yelled as she held out her hand that I shook awkwardly. She was unnaturally hyper.
"I'm Eren." I said awkwardly.
"Ooh! I can't wait to get my hands on you!" She yelled and touched my arm. I flinched and looked at Levi pleadingly. He chuckled lightly and cracked a smile.
"No experimenting on him." He said sternly to Hanji while keeping his eyes on the road.
"I'm Erwin." The blonde man butted in as if to try to help me out of the situation.
"Eren." I said and shook his hand as well.
"So Levi? What are you going to tell your dad?" Hanji asked suddenly calmer than before.
"I don't know exactly, but Eren isn't going anywhere anytime soon." He said as I felt the heat rush to my face. He looked over at me sweetly, but his expression soon changed as he looked over to the window quickly before averting his eyes back to the road.
"God damn birds. Always shitting everywhere. Making my fucking car dirty." He scowled and I realized he wasn't mad at me. I thought he was angry at me. I noticed his hand slowly slipping over to mine as he drove along. He eventually found my hand and laced his fingers with mine. A blush rose to his cheeks. I think I should make his blush even brighter. I thought to myself as I leaned over and kissed his cheek. Man I've never been more wrong. The blush didn't just get brighter, but what happened surprised me even more. He pulled over to the side of the road and continued what I started. He put the car in park and caressed my cheek. He leaned in slowly and attacked his lips to mine. I didn't kiss back initially because of the shock. I finally sunk into the kiss and closed my eyes. His tongue licked my bottom lip and my lips parted slightly giving him the access he wanted. We continually fought for dominance until eventually he won. We made out for what felt like hours, which in reality was about 3 minutes. We were about to go further until...Erwin cleared his throat.
"Levi. Don't you think we should get back to the castle?" Erwin asked as Levi's forehead rested against mine. His blush was even brighter than before once he remembered they were still in the car. He fixed his shirt then got back in the driver's seat. He started driving again as I fixed myself as well and a few moments later we could see the castle come into view. He drove up the long path and entered past the gate. The castle seemed even bigger in daylight and we soon entered a small shed towards the back of the castle. For the castle being so huge this shed was really small. He parked his car inside the shed and we all got out. Levi led the way into the castle entrance with his fingers delicately intertwined with mine. Erwin and Hanji walked behind us in comfortable silence. We finally stepped inside the main entrance and towards big flight of stairs. He led me up the stairs and towards a big door. He knocked lightly on the door and an authoritative voice spoke up.
"Come in." The man said with a gravelly tone to his voice. Upon entering there was huge desk at the end of the huge room where the king sat. He had his face buried in a paper and his glasses resting on his nose.
"Dad. This is Eren." He said and his father looked up at me.
"Nice to meet you Eren." He said and then looked down at our hands. His eyes widened at the thought.
"Is this the boy you danced with at the ball?" He asked with a bit of reluctance in his voice. Hmm...
What's that I smell?
Ahh homophobe.

The Glass High Top ~ Ereri ~ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now