Chapter 1

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Just so you know this will not all be super precise and completely in line  with the fairy tail. There will be some changes. Just please no hate XD.

Eren's POV

I woke up sleeping next to the furnace with ashes dusted on me from my head to my toes.

I wore a tattered beige shirt and old worn out blue pants. I stretched out as I slowly woke myself up. I opened the window to see some of my bird friends waiting for me outside of our small home. By our, I mean my step father and step siblings house.

There was my Stepfather Grisha, and my two step siblings Jean and Mikasa. I heard bells start to chime as I cleaned myself up and hurried out of my room to see what they wanted. I hurried to Grisha's room first and I knocked hesitantly.

"Took you long enough! Where is my breakfast?!" He yelled at me.

"It will be done soon." I said while holding in my everlasting anger for that man.

"Well hurry up!" He yelled again as I quickly exited the room to head to Jean's room. I opened the door and he immediately turned my way.

"You needed something?" I asked him as I slowly entered horse face's room. His foot was tapping dramatically fast as he threw his clothes at me. Which meant he wanted them cleaned. I rushed to put the clothes in a basket and rush to Mikasa's room. I knocked and she opened the door to throw the cat at me. She wasn't as rude as Grisha and Jean, but she was still curt and didn't say much. She can be a real bitch if you make her angry though so I have to watch out.

"Just keep the cat out of my room for now." She said calmly with a somewhat rude tone.

I scooped our cat Titan into my arms and walked down the stairs. I placed the cat down and put the basket by the clothes washing tub. Everything was going pretty smoothly so far. I quickly put a pot of tea on the stove and set cups and a plate on a tray. I had made biscuits the night before and just set them on the 3 plates for my so called "family." Once I heard the tea pot whistle I quickly walked over to grab the hot tea pot and pour some into each cup. I put in sugar according to everyone's preferences and grabbed the tray carefully as the cat tried to knock me over. He didn't do a very good job though considering I wasn't very clumsy.

I managed to make it up the stairs and deliver every one's food successfully. They didn't ask for much else other than that for the time being. So I continued to clean the house while I had the time. I fed the animals and cleaned the floor with some help from my animal friends.

Sadly Titan was trying to sabotage my work. I sang peacefully as I finished up the household chores when I suddenly heard a knock at the door. Mikasa and Jean were in the study with Grisha and they were fighting as usual. I opened the door to reveal a man with a letter in his hand.

"Prince Levi would like to invite all eligible bachelors and bachelorettes to his grand ball." The man said enthusiastically.

I nodded and grabbed the letter politely from his grasp. He nodded and walked off with his hands behind his back. He got back onto his horse and rode off to the next house as I closed the door and opened the letter.


Dear Jaeger family,
I, Prince Levi cordially invite you to my grand ball. All bachelors and bachelorettes must attend. I hope to see you there.

Prince Levi

"Let me see that!" Jean yelled as he yanked it out of my hands. I actually wanted to attend this event. I was excited that the Prince had invited everyone.
"It says the Prince is holding a ball and we are invited!" Jean exclaimed and Mikasa and Grisha stood up dramatically.
"Well then... Eren go to the tailor and get a dress and 2 suits made." He said and I got excited that he cared enough to buy me a suit.

"Thank you for allowing me to go." I said gladly as I grabbed my coat to leave. I heard them all burst into a fit of laughter.

"You think you are going?" Jean said as he was still chuckling throughout the sentence.

"Well yes, it said every eligible bachelor and bachelorette." I retorted and Grisha walked over to me. He placed a hand on my shoulder.

"If you can finish all of your chores by the start of the ball tonight then you can go." He told me as he walked away laughing and holding his stomach as if it hurt from laughing so much.

I hurried out of the house to go to the tailors and got home quickly. I started my chores quickly. As time passed I started to get worried about being able to go for I was not yet finished with the chores that Grisha had given me. But about half an hour later I had finished early.

I ran up to grab a suit from Jean's old clothes since he was taller than me they should fit me now. I threw on the suit and borrowed a tie just for the night. I put on some black shoes and ran downstairs. They all waited patiently for the carriage in the study. They soon looked at me and I got a glare from Jean.

To be continued...

The Glass High Top ~ Ereri ~ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now