Chapter 18 - Good Things Never Last Forever

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Oliver's POV

Eight Years Later - Monday

Evelyn and I were still together, the flame we carried for each other just as prominent as it had been when we first met, my love for her growing stronger every day.

Marilyn and I were good friends. I think he was relieved that our relationship was going well, and that I had been her first boyfriend. It meant he got to skip out on all the troubles of teenage breakups. Although Evelyn and I were no longer teenagers. We were twenty six now.

I had formed a band after we got off tour; Bring Me The Horizon. So far we had released three albums, our third one having come out just a few months ago. We had gotten big quite quickly.

Evelyn worked for Alternative Press, and slowly she had climbed her way up the ladder, until she decided to settle at chief editor. It was a relaxed, stay at home kind of job. Sometimes she typed up columns, sometimes she took pictures; usually only when it was me or my band being photographed though.

Life was going good, or so I thought.

I found myself nervous, more paranoid than I had ever been in my life. If everything was going this good, I knew something bad was about to happen. Nothing ever stayed this way forever. I didn't know what was going to happen; but I was waiting for it.

Every time we went to sleep I found myself holding her closer, as of she were about to disappear.

I was so afraid of losing her. I didn't know what had set this off – everything had been going so great – but then I just couldn't get these awful thoughts out of my head that something bad was about to happen.

Good things never last forever.

Evelyn took me out of my thoughts, as she woke up in my arms.

I watched her eyelashes fluttering open. "Good morning." She murmured with a smile.

"Morning beautiful." I replied as I stroked through her hair, breathing in her scent.

She looked uncomfortable. It was the first time she had ever felt that way in my arms, and I hated it. She was meant to feel safe and loved when she was with me, nothing else. I never wanted to make her feel uncomfortable. Her mood changed again; to worried.

"What wrong?" I asked gently.

"I could ask you the same thing." She said, concern lacing her features. "You've been acting really weird lately, and I-I'm starting to get worried. You know you can always talk to me about anything, right?" She continued. "I love you and I hate seeing you like this."

I thought for a moment. "I'm fi–"

"Don't you dare say 'I'm fine,' because I know you aren't." Evelyn cut me off, her hand on my cheek. "Tell me the truth."

"I-I'm sorry..." I trailed off. "I just have a bad feeling, like something awful is about to happen, but I don't know what it is or how I can stop it; and it really eating away at me. I know it's stupid to assume the future... But the saying 'good things never last forever' didn't come to be without reason."

She thought over my words, and simply hugged me closer. "Stop thinking about the future. Just think about what's happening now. And if something bad happens then so be it; I'm sure we'll always make it through."

I smiled at her words. "I love you." I said.

"I love you too." She replied as she snuggled closer. "And when this 'bad thing' happens I'll still love you."

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