Chapter 5 - The Bear And The Bunny

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Evelyn's POV


After we watched a few movies, I figured it was time to go home. I stood up from Oliver's bed and stretched my arms. We were well into the night by now, the moon long since started it's descent in the sky, and the streets dark. 

"You know, you could stay over." Oliver trailed off. "I-I mean, if you want."

"Your sure your parents won't mind?" I asked anxiously. 

Oliver smiled, flashing his dimples at me again. "I'm sure. Come on, I'll walk you over to your house to get some stuff, so you don't have to walk alone in the dark."

He read me so well. How could he have known that was exactly what I was thinking about? "Okay. Get up, then!"

Oliver put out his hand. "Help me."

I grabbed his hand, warmth blooming in my chest. I wondered if he felt like that too when we touched. When he was on his feet, I hastily let go of his hand, trying to ignore the strange feeling. It was comforting... but also terrifying. 

Oliver's parents were already in bed, so I didn't have to cross paths with his overexcited mother again. She was nice. Just a little overwhelming. And what would she think when we were going over to my big, empty house for a while? I blushed at the mere thought, shaking my head. 

I couldn't think about Oliver like that!

He was just my friend. 

Yeah, your friend who you have a small infatuation with.

No! I yelled at my mind.

But, did I like Oliver in that way? I couldn't help but ask myself that question. It had been sitting at the back of my mind for a while now. 




Okay, maybe I did. But surely it would go away within a few days, right?

But as I looked toward him now, walking beside me in the dark, he seemed to light up. I wasn't sure if this was just a small crush. I wasn't sure how long this would last. 

We reached the door of my house, and I flicked on the porch light. Oliver trailed into my house behind me when I unlocked the door, looking around, tracing his hands over the walls. I gave him a strange look and he just laughed. There were those dimples again! He was just too cute!

I opened the door to my room and Oliver followed behind me, perching on the edge of my bed. 

"We have blankets and stuff. But you might need some clothes."

Before I could ask why, he continued mischievously. "You know. since your staying for the whole weekend."

I narrowed my eyes at him although I was smiling. "Am I?"

"Yes, you are." He said confidently. 

"Okay." I replied. 

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