Chapter 10 - Pervert With A Heart

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Oliver's POV


The dinner with Evelyn and her dad, Marilyn, had gone really well. I was so happy with the way things worked out. Getting her dad to like me was a lot easier than I thought, but at least one crucial step in my plan was done. 

My plan wasn't even very much of a plan. More like a simple guideline of sorts. I had a checklist in my head, but very few of the boxes were ticked. There was still a lot of things I needed to do. 

I was trying to figure out ways to make it easier for myself; but deep down, I knew there was no easy, or smooth way to say what I wanted to say, and especially not when they were your best friend beforehand.

I only wanted to say two words. Be mine. 

Actually, that sounded to demanding. Three words. Please be mine. 

Or should I ask her out on a date first?

Who was I kidding; I didn't even have a guideline. But did I need to ask her out? I mean, we had already gone to the movies together, gone out to eat together, gone to theme parks together, and done all the things you would normally do on a date. 

Did I want to ask her out and make it awkward for myself?

Or, I could just go in with a kiss. Maybe that was too straightforward though. 

I sighed and thought for a few more minutes, before coming to my conclusion. 

For a week or two, I would observe her closely. I would experiment a little to see what words I could get out of her, to see if she would say something that would give me at least a smidgen of hope that all this wasn't one sided. 

If the right moment came for a kiss, I would kiss her. If the right moment came for a confession, I would confess my feelings for her. If the right moment came to ask her out, then I would ask her out. 

This plan wasn't all that bad. 

But I knew that for the 'right moment' to come, we would both have to make it happen. 

And maybe that time would be soon; because it was Halloween next week, on Saturday. Evelyn's birthday was on Halloween. I knew she wouldn't want a party, but I was thinking if we got Marilyn in on it, Lee, Nicholls and I could surprise her at her house and take hr out to do something. 

Right now, I was on the bus, not heading to school; but instead the tattoo parlor. I didn't know what I wanted yet. I wanted to get something that would symbolize my feelings for Evelyn, because I never wanted to forget her and the way she made me feel, even if we ever lost touch.

Nothing to big - and no words either - just a small picture. With pictures you can change the meaning, but with words you couldn't, so pictures were safer. 

The bus stopped and I handed my ten dollar fare to the driver, as I got off the bus. 

Low and behold, my favorite tattoo parlor. Hand of Fate. 

I walked through the door, met by the tinkling sound of the bell. Jake looked up from the counter. He had been flipping through a magazine, just waiting for someone to come in. 

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