Chapter 10: Good Luck Onyx

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Chapter 10: Good Luck Onyx
20 weeks pregnant

I groan as I sit down on the couch and hold my stomach. I new Andy was going to come over and hang out and I was really happy with that. As I get farther and farther into this pregnancy Andy is getting closer and closer to me again. It made me happy to know our little girl would have her dad when she actually comes into the world. I smile at the thought and rub small circles on my stomach. There wasn't much that brought me as much joy as rubbing my stomach knowing my little girl is in there. "Ashley!" Andy yells out as he walks into my house.

I look over my shoulder and see Andy walking towards me with a smile on his face. I smile at him and he smiles at me. He walks over to the couch and sits by me. I take in a deep breath then lean my head back on the couch. "You okay?" Andy asks and I nod my head.

"Yeah. Just my stomach is getting bigger meaning she's getting closer and closer to being here and to be honest I'm afraid for when she does come out." I say and Andy raises an eyebrow.

"Why? You're going to be a great parent." he says and I nod my head.

"Me being a parent isn't what I'm afraid if. I'm afraid of the world she's going to come in. Who's going to be around. If you and I are going to be together. How it's going to be when we go on tours. Is she going to resent me for how her life is when she's older?" I ask and I feel myself become more and more stressed as I think it over.

"Jesus Ashley." Andy says then grabs my face and brings me in to kiss him. We haven't kissed since the day we found we were having a girl. Sure we have been getting closer and closer again but we were taking it slow.

With this kiss though I know I'm not going to be able to take it slow. I miss Andy a lot. I miss how he use to hug me and kiss me. How his smile made me smile. "She is going to love you, me, her crazy uncles. Everything cause we're going to raise her to know who her family is." he says and I nod my head. He places his forehead against mine and places his hand on my stomach.

"I was an ass when this all started due to fear. Hell I even went to the doctor to get me sperm tested. Apparently they're very strong." he says and I giggle a little. "I regret not being there when you took the test. When you went to the first two doctors appointments. I was an idiot but this little girl is ours. You're mine, and I'm yours. Okay we can do this." he says and I nod my head.

He smiles at me again then places a small kiss on my lips. I smile a little then feel a weird pressure from my stomach. Both Andy and I's go wide and look down. Andy moves his hand around then I feel it again. "Is that her?" Andy asks and I nod my head.

He laughs breathlessly as we feel her kick some more. "Wow." I say and Andy looks me in the eyes again then kisses me again. I kiss him back and grab onto the back of his neck. He pulls away from me then kisses my forehead. "Are we sticking with the name?" he asks and I nod my head.

"Onyx Black Biersack." I say and smile as I feel my little girl kicking.

"Good luck Onyx." Andy whispers.

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