Chapter 8: I Have A Plan

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Chapter 8: I Have A Plan

17 weeks pregnant

I yawn as I walk out to my car and take in a deep breath. My doctors appointment was today so that meant I had to be there soon. I open up my car and get in the head on out. I'm to tired to really worry about traffic. It just means I can take my time actually waking up. I run my hands through my hair and sigh. "It's just too damn early!" I say sighing as I keep driving.

Once I actually pulled up to the doctor's office I was finally awake. This would be my third time coming to the doctors to see my little one and maybe this time I can find out for sure if I'm having a girl or a boy. By now I'm showing quite well.

A few of the fans have even pointed out my stomach. Some are nice about it. Some are really mean and cruel but I don't really care. As long as the baby I'm carrying is healthy the haters can go fuck themselves. I sigh as I walk in and yet again the smell of disinfectant fills my nose. I shake my head then walk over to the front desk.

The same lady from the last two times looks up except this time she gives me a big smile that actually looks real. "Hey there Ashley!" she says and I raise an eyebrow.

"You start doing crack? Is that why you're smiling so big?" I ask and she laughs then shakes her head.

"No. Actually my boyfriend proposed last night!"

"Oh! Okay that makes sense. Well congrats!" I say and she smiles then presses a few button on the computer.

"Alright so you're all checked in. Dr. Roseland will see you in just a moment. You're the first appointment today." she says and I nod my head then walk over to the waiting area. I pull out my phone and see that I have a shit ton of texts.

'Dude! You have to text me back and tell me if I'm having a niece or nephew!'

'Hope all goes well! Let us know if there is any news.'

'I will be at your house when you get home. I have both colored balloons!' I start to laugh at the text then one more comes in.

"Would it be okay if I came today... you're farther along than Juliet ever was and I want to come around." it was a text from Andy. My eyes go wide and I take in a deep breath. We have been talking lately. He still won't really accept the baby is his but I can tell he's starting to realize.

I mean I haven't even talked to Alex since the day I saw him here. I bite my lip then shake my head. 'Better get your ass down here.' I text back then put my phone in my pocket. I don't want Andy to not be around. This kid needs his or her Dad and Andy is their Dad.

I take in a deep breath then sit farther back in my seat. "Ashley!" Dr. Roseland asks and I stand up to see her there smiling at me. I smile at her as well then walk over to her and take in a deep breath.

"The Dad is actually coming. So if he shows up can you have someone bring him back?" I ask and she nods her head.

"Of course. Now we have to take a few measurements so he should have time before we actually take an ultrasound." she says and I nod my head then follow her into a room. She grabs a measuring tape and wraps it around my stomach and nods her head.

"Your stomach is growing at a nice rate for your size and the fact that it's your first pregnancy." she says and I make a weird face as I think over what she just said.

"Does that mean the baby is doing good?" I ask and she laughs nodding her head.

"Yeah. The baby is doing well based on size." she says laughing a little as she walks over to the counter and grabs a back board. She writes something down then looks back up at me. "Alright it's time to take you weight." she says and I nod my head then walk over to the scale. I take a deep breath then step on the scale and she weighs me.

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