Chapter 9: Gender Reveal

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Chapter 9: Gender Reveal
17 weeks pregnant

"This is amazing." Andy says as we look at the pitch black balloons that we had in the huge bucket that was completely filled up. I smile at him then look over to Juliet who had the camera on her phone ready.

"Thank for helping out with this." I say and she laughs.

"Are you kidding? This is the best freaking idea EVER!" she yells and I laugh then look over to my house. It was obvious everyone who could be here was here. I smile then pull out the loudspeaker thing.

"Family come outside!" I yell and I knew it was going to hit the inside of the house. I see the curtain get pulled open then people come rushing outside. They all had a curious look on their face and I smirk. "So! Who wants to know what the gender is?" I ask and they all start laughing and yelling.

"Alright, alright! Stand in a line!" Andy yells then look over to Juliet. She nods and I smile then grab one of the balloons. I find Cc in the line then throw it at his head. It bursts open and pink paint goes everywhere. Everyone gasps then Andy and I start grabbing balloons and throwing them at our family and friends.

Soon enough a full out war starts and pink paint starts to go everywhere. We were all running around and throwing the balloons at each other. Everyone had a huge smile on their face and so did I. Andy and I came up with this idea when we got to the store. It took us a while to set up but overall it was fun and a great idea.

Andy runs up and wraps his arm around me and covers me in more pink paint. I let out a loud laugh and so does Andy. Cc runs over and wraps his arms around us and sigh in contempt then the whole band joins in. "We were right bitches!" Jake yells and we all start to laugh. Inna walks over shaking her head and I push the guys away and smile at her.

"You ready for baby planning?" I ask and she nods her head.

"Of course! It's going to be fun!" she says and I nod my head then place my hands on my baby bump. Soon I would be able to feel her moving around and my stomach would get even bigger. Then after a while she'll be here and I'll be able to hold her in my arms. Her hopefully big blue eyes would look up at mine. I would be able to hear her giggles. I would see her grow up. I would have a daughter. Andy and I are having a daughter. I smile at the thought then feel an arm go around my shoulders.

I look up and see Andy there smiling at me with love and adoration. Something I was afraid I would never see in his eye towards me again. I smile up at him then more people come over. Vic had a goofy grin on his face which made me suspicious then he threw another balloon at me. Pink went all over Andy and I. I look up at Andy and see he has pink all over his under chin. I laugh a little and he looks down at me and laughs a little as well.

"You have pink on your chin." I say as I poke his shin with my finger.

"You have pink in your hair." he says with a smirk and my eyes go wide as I think about how hard it will be to get out of my hair, but yet again everyone has pink paint all over them.

"Yeah well both of you are about to have a whole shit ton of pink in your lives! You're having a daughter and you know what that mean. SPARKLES" Austin yells while adding a SUPER stereotypical gay voice at the end. Everyone looks over to him laughing and he bows a few times cockily at his own joke making me roll my eyes at him.

I look back up at Andy and see he had a small smile on his face and hope in his eyes. I think even if he doesn't want to he is starting to grasp that he really is about to have a kid. "Guess we are about to have sparkles and pink everywhere aren't we?" I ask and Andy nods his head.

"We most definitely are. Ready for the next eighteen years?" he asks and I nod my head with a small smile on my face, then yet again place my hand on my rounded stomach. Just placing my hand on my stomach brings me so much comfort. To know that she is safe in there where I am protecting her.

"Yeah... I am. I'm ready to take care of our little girl" I say happily.

"Alright! How are we going to clean this all up?" Tony asks and I laugh shrugging.

"Get the hose?" I ask and he nods his head then goes over and grabs the hose. I take a deep breath then walk over to Juliet who only had a little bit of paint on her. She smiles at me and pats my shoulder.

"I would hug you except... well pink." she says and I nod my head.

"It fine. I get it." I say laughing. "But I was wondering if you would send me that video so I can post it on Instagram. Reveal to our fans." I say and she nods her head.

"Of course. I got it all so it should be good." she says and I nod my head. She takes out her phone and types for a minute then smiles at me. "It should be sent." she says and I nod my head.

"Thanks. That sounds great!" I say and she nods her head.

"So you want help cleaning up?" she asks and I smile at her sheepishly.

"Would you?" I ask and she nods her head.

"Of course." she says then we head over to the mess. Tony was spraying my yard and house with the hose and the guys were picking up the small balloon pieces. I decide it would be better for my to do the hose since that doesn't take a lot of bending down. I walk over to Tony and smile.

"Hey can I take over this job? It takes a lot less bending down." I say and he laughs then nods his head.

"Yeah of course. I get you. When I was pregnant I just decided fuck it and gave up when it came to bending down." he says and I laugh.

"How are the twins?" I ask and he smiles at me.

"They're great. Still attached to Hime's hip but they are wonderful. I can't wait to see you with your baby girl. Your life will change. How you see the world. Everything." he says and I smile.

"In a good way right?"

"The best." he says and I nod my head. I look down to my feet then I hear Tony yelp and look up quickly. Mike had his arms wrapped around Tony's waist and was pecking his neck over and over again.

"Hola Mama." he says and Tony laughs a little.

"Hola Papa." he says and my eyes go wide.

"Alright you and your kinky selves go and clean." I say and they both laughs then walk off. I laugh a little then start to spray away the pink paint that was covering everything. I sigh then look around and see Vic looking at Kellin with a pout as he tried to get paint off of him. I smirk then aim the water at him and shoot. He lets out a girly squeal as the cold water hits him and looks over at me wide eyed. I laugh and he sighs then throws his arms open. I spray him some more and the paint runs off of him.

"Jesus Vic! Did you break Balloons on yourself!" Kellin yells laughing at his husband.

"I wanted to make Copeland proud. Shut up." Vic says then Copeland runs over to him. I spray her too and she lets out a giggle. He picks up Copeland and she tries to help him get the pink out of his hair. I watch as Kellin watches the two interact with so much love in his eyes.

"That's us soon." Andy says and I look over to my side where he was standing also watching them. I nod my head then lean my head on Andy's shoulder.

"This was fun."

"Hell yeah it was."

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