Chapter 19- It's... Ours

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Dedicated to EwwThatMahomie because her comments made me laugh and smile and stuff hahah


The typing bubble on the other side of our texts was there for 5 minutes. And eventually it went away. I got nothing. He sent me nothing. He was going to say something, but he decided not to. Or maybe he was just doing that to let me know that he's there. I don't know. Either way, I didn't get a reply from him and it hurt. I don't see why he can't just tell me how his day was. Or something. Honestly, I'd be okay with him sending an emoji. Just one. Because anything is better than nothing. He could tell me how much he hates me and never wants to see me and, even though it would hurt, I'd be okay with it because then I'd know he at least had the decency to reply to me. But I guess I should try and get used to him not being around. I guess I should try and get used to being alone again. 

**1 week later**

"Please don't be positive.. Please." I whisper to myself as I look at the test.

It has another 30 seconds before it will tell me if I'm going to have a baby or not. I shut my eyes and start counting down.

"Please." 20 seconds.

"Please." 15 seconds.

"I can't be a mom." 10 seconds.

"Be negative." 5 seconds.

"Please." The timer goes off.

I look down at the test and my breath catches in my throat. The room starts to spin and I have to sit down so I won't fall over. I cradle my head in my hands and sob softly. I should have made him use protection. He told me he would be careful. That it wouldn't happen. But he wasn't careful enough. It did happen. Now what am I supposed to do?

I slowly stand up and walk back to my room. I try my best to wipe my tears and calm my sobbing down, just in case my mom decides to walk in, and throw myself on my bed. I cover myself up with my blankets and bury my face into my pillow. 

You idiot. You knew what you were doing was wrong. But you just couldn't say no. You're so stupid.

I manage to make myself feel even worse by just thinking about my situation. How am I going to tell my mom? I can try and tell Austin, but he probably won't reply. But there's no hurt in trying. I slide my hand all around my bedside table until I feel my phone and pick it up. My breathing gets heavy and I feel the tears start to pour. I feel like backing out but then I remember that this baby will be just as much Austin's as it is mine. It's just as much his fault as it is mine. He has to take responsibility for it just as much as I do. 

"Here goes absolutely nothing."

~*Austin's P.O.V.*~

Here we are, all alone in this room oh

And girl I know, where to start-

I turn my alarm off and roll over onto my back. I've been awake for probably an hour, but I just wasn't ready to get up. I had a dream last night. About Katie. And when I woke up, I had a smile on my face. 

That's not good. I can't miss her. She's not something I can keep in my life. I want nothing more than for her to be around me all the time, but my life is different now. I'm trying to start my career. My first single comes out next week, and I'm sure she'll hear it. Then maybe she can find me and I can see her one last time before I have to break off all contact from her. 

I feel so conflicted. I don't want her to move on, but at the same time I do. If she moves on then there's no chance of us getting back together, and I want her to move on so that she can be happy and live her life the way she wants to, but I also really want to just be able to hold her and kiss her and give her the love she's never gotten. I want to be her everything. But I don't. If I'm her everything, she'll just end up getting hurt. Because I'll be busy all the time and she'll be stuck at home. Alone. Like she already is. 

My phone vibrates telling me that I got a text message. I look over at it and see that I have a few. One is from my manager, another is from Alex, and the other one is from Katie. I reply to my manager's text first, telling him that I'm going to jump in the shower and then I'll be there soon. Alex just asked if I wanted anything from IHOP so I told hi, to bring me back waffles. Then I look at Katie's. It's different from the ones she usually sends. 

Austin please answer. This is really urgent and I need you to respond.

That worries me. Sometimes she asks me to "please talk to her", but she never says she needs me to. I don't know what could be so important as to where I need to respond. I'm about to lock my phone and get my day started when she texts me again.

Austin this is fucking serious. I know you get my texts so reply right now dammit!!

I go against everything that my instincts are telling me to do and I don't respond. I put my phone on the "do not disturb" option and turn my music on. As soon as the water is at the right temperature I take off my boxers and get into the shower. The water hits my back and runs all over my body, giving me a sense of relaxation. I rest my head against the wall and just stand under the water for a while. I could stay here for hours, but "Royals" by Lorde comes on and I have to get out so I can change it. First, I change the song and then I dry myself off with a towel and put on some jeans and a bro-tank with my favorite black beanie. 

When I'm satisfied with my appearance, I look at my phone and see that I have 3 more texts from Katie and an unheard voicemail. I assume it's from Katie so I just erase it. I grab my wallet and car keys and head out the door. My phone starts to vibrate uncontrollably so I take it out. I should have known that it would have been Katie. 

Feeling annoyed, I finally reply.

Katie! What the fuck is it?!

The first reply she's gotten from me in almost a month. Oh well, she had it coming.

I'm pregnant Austin. And it's yours.

Katie please tell me you're not being serious.

After a few minutes she sends me a picture of her with a positive pregnancy test.

No, unfortunately I'm not. 

How do you know it's mine?

That was a stupid question. But Katie's a hot girl, she could have gotten with someone else. She better not have... She's not mine but she's still mine. If that makes sense.

Austin. You're the only one I've had sex with. It's yours. It's... ours.

Ours. Should I smile or flip out?

You're probably all really mad at me and I'm sorry... Not really :D I know y'all have been waiting for an update and I'm sorry that it's been taking me so long to get them up but I'm falling behind in school and I've been trying to get my grades back up. So, please just be patient with me and know that I think about all of your comments every day! 
So, what did you think? I know a few of you were begging me for her to not be pregant but... She is. :O 
And what about Austin? He wants her, but he doesn't at the same time???? Kinda sweet, huh? So pretty please comment your thoughts for a chance for the next chapter to be dedicated to you! NEW CHALLENGE FOR YOUUUUUU!!!!! 90 votes until the next chapter. :) Okay love y'all. Byee!*)

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