Chapter 6- Things Happen People Change

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(*Sorry for the long wait, I know that y'all have been waiting for me to update. But, hopefully it's worth it<3 Please make sure you read the note at the end too. Okay, bye*)

"Just walk in Katie. People don't know what happened." I whisper to myself as I slowly make my way to the front door of school.

I havent been to school in 2 weeks. I couldn't go. I wasn't ready to look Jordan in the eye. I didn't tell David what happened. I was going to, but I decided not to. We didn't get back together. I know that he was a good boyfriend, and he may have loved me, but he got too controlling. Yes, he was right about not trusting Jordan but I just didn't like the way he handled it.

I take a deep breath as I put my hand on the door handle. "You can do it. People change, they'll have to understand that."

I'm totally not the way I used to be. I'm done wearing a pair of blue skinny jeans and a long sleeve shirt with pink flowers on it. No, from now on, people need to know that I'm not someone you can just fuck with. Thinking this, I put a smirk on my face and swing the door open. The looks I get are exactly what deep down, I know I want. I strut down the middle of the hallyway. I feel my hair sway back and forth against my black leather jacket. I know that I look good, and that makes me feel more confident.

"Ah, Miss Lyons, it's nice of you to show up," my 4th period teacher says as I walk into the classroom.

I sit down heavily in an empty seat and put my bag down next to me. "Yeah I thought so too."

"Was that sass?!"

I cross my arms across my chest and shrug. "Probably."

He shakes his head and goes back to teaching. I pretend to not pay attention, but I'm really taking in every single word that he's saying. Just because I'm trying to build the "I-don't-give-a-shit" impression, that doesn't mean it's true.

The bell rings and I stay seated until everyone is standing up or out of the classroom. I pick up my stuff and head to the bathroom. People move out of the way for me and I smirk. I get to the bathroom and see other girls fixing their makeup. They all look at me and I jerk my head towards the door, telling them to leave. They quickly grab their things and run out. I walk over to the mirror and reapply my bright red lipstick and make sure that my hair looks okay.

"You look good," a familiar voice says behind me. "But you'd look even better if you'd take the leather jacket off."

"Thanks." I mutter and do as she says. And she's right, it makes me look even more rebellious, considering I'm wearing a tank top that's almost as bright as my lipstick. I turn around to see who the voice is. "Layla?"

She smiles at me. "Hey gorgeous." I go over and give her a quick hug. "Where have you been?"

"Just at home.."

"Why haven't you been at school?"

I shrug, and shake the thought of that horrible night out of my head. "Just for reasons."

"Oh.." She looks around the room and then back at me. "Why are you dressed like that?"

I look down at myself and then back at her. "What's wrong with it?"

She shrugs. "It's just, not you."

"Yes it is."

"No, it's not. I'm not saying that you don't look good, because you look good in everything, but I'm just wondering why you aren't being yourself."

I groan in annoyance. "This is me now. You're my bestfriend, you're supposed to support me in everything I do."

"I do! I just don't see why you have to change yourself."

"Layla. Things happen, people change. If you can't let me be me, then I don't need you."

I grab my things off the sink and walk out of the bathroom. On the bench outside, I put everything in my bag and make my way to the cafeteria. I roll my eyes at the whistles and comments and sit down at an empty table. I pull out my phone and scroll through my twitter. Beyond my screen, I can see 3 bodies sit down. I look up and see Austin, Robert, and Zach.

"No." I say, then return my attention back to my sreen.

"You look lonely."

"Well I'm not. So you can leave."

"No, we're good. I like this table."

I shove my phone in my pocket and look up at the three. "Whatever."

"You know, i gotta say Katie," Austin starts then shoves a bite of sandwich down his throat. I roll my eyes at his crudeness. "I like this new you."


"What made you change so much?" Robert asks, with his mouth full as well.

"Things," I sneer.

"What kind of things?" A voice whispers behind me. A voice that makes me freeze. "C'mon Katie. Why don't you come tell me what happened in the hallway?"

"L-leave me a-alone.." I stutter out.

"Don't fight me on this." I hear the smirk in his voice.

"Woah, bro. I don't think she's comfortable with you." Zach jumps in.

"Please leave," I manage to whisper out, still frozen. This rebel image thing isn't going very well for me right now. I didn't even now that Jordan still went here. I figured he would just move to a different school or something.

"Aw don't be like that babe."

Toughen up Katie. Show him that you're stronger than he is. I tell myself. "Don't call me babe," my voice comes out stern and steady. "And I said get the fuck away from me."

"Why are you being such a bitch?"

I stand up and face him. "Why am I being such a bitch?! Why are you such a dumbass? You know damn well why I won't go into the hallway with you. Now get the hell away from me Jordan."

"I think you should leave." I think it's Robert that says behind me.

"Yeah. Leave."

Jordan smirks and gets closer to me, causing me to tense up. He puts his face to where his lips are right next to my ear. "This new image of yours will wear off soon." He whispers.

"Don't you even think about touching me right now."

But that warning doesn't work. Jordan slides his hand down to my thigh and squeezes. I completely freeze. He moves his body close to mine and slides a finger through my belt loop and tugs.

"DON'T RAPE ME AGAIN PLEASE!!!" I can't help but yell. It wasn't even controlled. I had no intention of yelling that. I didn't even know I could talk.

Jordan quickly removes his body from mine and runs out of the cafeteria. My knees buckle from underneath me and I fall to the ground in a pile. A pathetic, violated, sobbing pile.

"He fucking raped you?!" Austin growls. But I can't answer. I feel a hand wrap itself around my arm and I flinch. "It's okay, I'm just trying to help you."

I let myself be lifted off the ground and carried to the principal's office. So much for carrying on this nobody-can-touch-me look.

Who the hell was I kidding? I'll always be the girl that's going to be pushed around and weak.

(*Okay so I'm sorry if this chapter wasn't very good. I'm super upset tonight because my bestfriend of 3 years killed herself last night. I found out earlier today, and it's just been hard. So, the reason I wanted you to read this was because I'm thinking about deleting my wattpad. The reason being because she's the one that inspired me to start writing. If it weren't for her, I would never have started to write in the first place. So, I may or may not delete it. I'll make my final decision next Saturday.
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