Chapter 11- You'll Never Want to Again

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Dedicated to LittleMissMahone for her lovely comment that made me smile! Thank you :)


I stop right where I am when I hear him say that. He doesn't meant that, he can't mean that. We haven't even been together for a month. He can't love me. Can he? 

"What?" I say, but it's just a whisper. 

Austin's arms wrap around my waist from behind me and he rests his chin on my shoulder.

"Can we please go somewhere... Private?" I let out a small sigh and he kisses my cheek. "Please." I nod and he unwraps his arms from my waist.

I start to walk and a few seconds later Austin catches up to me and intertwines his fingers with mine. He starts to swing our hands back and forth again and I can't help but giggle at him. He's like a little kid, which I love. But then he pulls shit like he did back at the food court and my whole attitude towards him changes. I don't know, it's hard. And what I mean by that is that it's hard to steady my feelings for him. How can I be sure how I feel when his mood changes all the time? 

We walk to a darker part of the mall that isn't very occupied, and he sits me down on a bench. He lets out a sigh and looks up at the ceiling. Whatever is bothering him is obviously bothering him a lot, and to say the least, I'm worried. Even after everything, he's my boyfriend and I do care. Just because I don't know how to feel about him doesn't mean I don't care. That's not what it means at all. It just means that I need to figure it out. 

"Austin," I breathe out. He lets out another sigh but doesn't look at me. I take his hands in my face and bring it down to look at me. His face is towards me but his eyes won't meet mine. I draw little circles on his cheeks with my thumbs lightly. "Baby please look at me." Austin's eyes wonder around for a second and then finally meet mine. "What's wrong? Why did you say that to me and then... The last thing?"

~*Austin's P.O.V.*~

Why did I say that last thing to her? I mean, I know why I told her I was embarrassed of her, but she doesn't need to know the real reason behind that. But, do I love her? I don't see how I could. We've been together for 2 weeks, and I don't catch feelings like this. But there's something about Katie. Something that draws me to her, that makes me feel the need to be with her at all times and protect her and make sure she feels loved. But what the fuck is it?

"Austin?" Her voice comes out small and fragile. I meet her eyes once again and thats it. I found the reason I feel that way about her. It isn't her amazing body, her gorgeous long blonde hair, her small but strong voice, the way she blushes when she gets complimented. No, it's none of those things. Although those things make me love her, that isn't what draws me to her and makes me feel so strongly towards her. 

Her eyes.

"Has anyone told you how beautiful your eyes are?" I blurt out.

She drops her hands from my face and blushes. "No.." she mumbles and bites her lip.

"Well they are." I scoot closer to her. "They're the most beautiful things I've ever seen."

"Austin, stop." She looks down at her hands.

I wrap my arm around her shoulder and move her chin with my fingers so that she's looking at me. She looks at me with those gorgeous eyes that I can't get enough of. I look deeply into them and just study them. She squeezes them shut. 

"Katie. You are so beautiful. I could stare at your eyes for the rest of my life, I could kiss you all day, I could hold you close to me for as long as you would let me. I do love you. And I think I have ever since I first saw you. I just never realized it until now. You bring out the best in me, and I love that you can make me do that. It's just, I don't want people to think that they can push me around. And when I'm with you, I'm weak because all I want is to hold you and love you and make you feel safe. I don't want people to see that."

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