Chapter 8- It Was Supposed to Be a Fun Night

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This chapter is dedicated to SophiaEsther for her sweet comment :)


I slip on a fitted blue tank top with sequins on the chest, a pair of black skinny jeans, and white vans. My hair is curled slighty at the ends and I'm wearing normal-everyday makeup. Cute, but casual. I have no idea where Austin is taking me, or what he plans on doing, but this outfit pretty much works for anything. Feeling satisfied with my appearance, I grab my phone and some cash and head downstairs. 

"Hi sweetheart, you look nice," my mom greets as I get to the kitchen.

"Thanks," I flash her a smile.

"What's the occasion?"

I shrug. "Nothing really. I have a date."

My mom puts down the spoon she's stirring dinner with and looks up at me slowly. "Katie, are you sure you're ready for that?"

I sigh and nod. "Yeah. I think so. I know this kid won't hurt me."

"Who is it?"

I take a deep breath and curse myself mentally. I didn't think she would ask that question. As soon as I open my mouth to tell her that it's Austin, there's a knock on the door. I run over to the door to find Austin standing there. And as much as I hate to admit it, he looks good.

"Hey," i greet with a small smile.

"Hey," he repiles with a nod. "You ready?"

"Yeah," I turn to my mom and yell out a goodbye and then quickly shut the door behind me.

"Hm, anxious to be with me tonight?" Austin slips his arm around my waist. 

I unwrap it from me and snicker. "Don't flatter yourself, Mahone. I'm just glad to be getting out of my house." Which isn't true. I don't know what made me agree to go out with him. Maybe it's because I've been in my house for so long, with nothing to do. The fact that Layla is pretty much the only person I talk to, with the exception of a text from David every once in a while. 

"Whatever you say, sweetheart." I roll my eyes and get into his bright red range rover. It's a nice car, which doesn't surprise me. Austin always has nice things. He always has. Austin walks over to his side and gets in, quickly closes the door behind him and turns on the radio. 

"So, where are we going?"

"I hope you like dancing." Is all he says. I sink into my seat and resist the urge to curl myself into a ball or tell him that I can't do this and for him to take me home. Austin must have sensed this, because he places his hand on my thigh and gives it a reassuring aqueeze. He puts it back on the wheel. "You'll be fine. I won't let anyone hurt you, okay?" I nod my head slightly and keep my eyes on my shoes.

The car ride drags on for what seems like forever. Austin messes with the radio occasionally. Either turning it up, down, or changing the station. He taps his fingers on the steering wheel along with the beat and I think I even hear him hum a little. After what seems like forever, he finally parks next to a club that I drive past a lot going to the mall or something. The music pounds and I have to squeeze my eyes shut to try and get rid of the memories that are flooding my head. I feel a hand take my arm and pull me out of the car. I don't open my eyes though.

"Katie. Katie look at me." Austin places his hands on my arms. I open my eyes slowly and see he's closer to me that I thought. "I promise, you will be fine okay?" 

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