Chapter 12- You Did This to Me

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Dedicated to CeraVargas because she believes in me and drops what she's doing to read this shit :P

BY THE WAY!! It is getting so hard to pick just one person to dedicate the chapters to! Like all of your comments are so sweet I just it makes my day. I don't know why y'all like this story so much tbh. But, anyways, here you go, chapter 12.


"Katie can I ask you something?" Austin whispers as he brushes his lips over my ear.

I nod. "Anything."


I turn my body so now I'm facing him. He shifts his arms from underneath me to make himself more comfortable too. 

"Why what?"

"Why do you hurt yourself like this?"

I sigh. "I think you've heard enough sad stuff tonight Austin. We can talk about it another night."

"That's not true. One, I can listen to you talk all day, and two, if we drop it now, when I bring it up again you'll say the same thing. Just tell me."

Austin brings my body closer into his. I lay my head down on his side of the pillow and position it so that it's right at his collarbones. He squeezes me tighter and I snuggle into his embrace.

"I really don't want to talk about it."

"Well I want to hear about it."

"That sucks, doesn't it?"

"Katie, stop being so fucking stubborn. Just tell me."

I unwrap his arms from my waist and get off his bed. I walk back to his bathroom and slip my clothes back on, shove my phone in my pocket and slip on my shoes. Austin quickly walks into the bathroom and blocks the doorway as I try to walk out.

He scoffs. "And where the hell do you think you're going?"


"No, you're going to tell me."

"Actually, no. I'm going to go home." 

I place my hands on Austin's chest and shove him, but he doesn't even budge.

"Austin, move!" I exclaim, annoyed.

When he doesn't, I let out an angry sigh and quickly slip underneath his arm. I run down his hallway, where his footsteps are following me at a rather close distance, and out the door. Austin wouldn't dare go outside without shoes on, so I know that gives me at least another 20 second headstart. I'll keep running and when Austin finally gives up, I'll call Layla to come pick me up. I turn my head around to look and see how close Austin is, when I smack right into somebody else. I almost fall but an arm grabs mine and pulls me to my feet.

"Watch where you're going," he mumbles. It's Zach.


"Yeah, whatever.  You're lucky you're pretty."


"Ayyyye! Is that Katie?!" A voice that belongs to Robert yells behind Zach.

"It is!" Another voice, which I suppose is Alex's shouts.

"So why are you all so excited to see her?" Austin says as he wraps an arm around my waist.

"Why wouldn't we be? I mean, have you seen her?" Robert says and Zach bites his lip.

Alex comes on the other side of me and wraps his arm around my waist too. 

"Threesome!" He blurts.

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