Chapter 18- He's Typing

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Dedicated to iloveuaustin7 because her comment was really sweet


~*Katie's P.O.V.*~

It's been 2 weeks since I've seen Austin. 2 weeks since I gave myself to him. 2 weeks. With no calls, no texts, nothing. It's like he dropeed off the face of the earth. Robert, Alex, and Zach haven't been around either. None of them have been in class, or at lunch, and I haven't seen his bright red Range Rover parked in front of his house either. I don't know what happened. 

One day we're telling each other that we love each other and the next he's completely gone. He never said anything about leaving, and he would have told me if he was going to. Which kind of scares me. I know that he's involved with a lot of trouble, and I know that there's a lot of things that he shouldn't have done that has got him involved with people that could get him into bad things. But I don't think he's ever been involved in anything bad enough that would have to make him relocate. And besides, his mom is home late at night and his Crew is gone too. But where would he go?

"Katie. Katie you need to go to school. You haven't been for 3 days now." My moms voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

I groan and roll over onto my stomach. "Do I have to go?"

"Yes." She sighs heavily and I feel her sit down on my bed next to me. "Katie, I don't know what's wrong with you lately. You don't want to go to school, you barely come out of your room, and when you do come out of your room for longer than 5 minutes all you do is sit on the couch and mope around." I turn my head to look at her and shrug in repsonse. "Katie, what's wrong with you?"

"A broken heart does that to you, mom."

"Is this about David?"

My mom never really knew about Austin. And I honestly don't remember if I ever told her much about him. I just nod. 

She sighs again. "Well I'm sorry that you feel this way still. But you really need to go to school." I nod again when I am suddenly overwhelmed by a sense of nausea. I knit my eyebrows together and wince at the sudden sensation. "Are you okay?"

I shake my head at her and jump out of bed. I run to the bathroom and just make it in time to throw up. I empty the contents of my stomach and hover over the toilet. After sitting there for a few minutes I flush, rinse out my mouth, and slowly walk back to my room. I lay back down on my bed and get under the covers. Feeling sick definitely sucks, but at least it'll give me an excuse to stay home for another day.

"Oh Katie..." My mom sighs and feels my forehead. "You don't feel warm... Did you feel like this last night?" I shake my head and she nods. "Well, I guess you should stay home today. I'll call the school and have someone bring your work by."

I mumble a thank you to my mom and she leaves with an upset/confused look on her face. I know why she's upset. I'm sure no mother wants their kid to be upset and miss school and stuff. But I can't help it. I'm so different than everyone at my school. Sure, if you were to just look at me you'd probably think that I was a cheerleader with a jock boyfriend but that's not me. Sometimes I wish I was the girl you'd think I was by first glance. Actually, most of the time I wish I was that girl. But I'm not and I can't help it. I've come to accept that. And if not going to school is my way of handling it, then that's the way it needs to be. As far as her confused look? I'm just as confused as she is. I felt fine last night, and even when my mom came in to talk to me. But then it just hit me all the sudden. I don't know. 

Maybe my brain was trying to convince myself that I was sick so that my mom would let me stay home again. Can that really happen? Well it obviously can because it just did. And now that she's gone I feel slightly better, but still pretty bad. I hate throwing up. So whenever I'm sick I usually have my mom take me to the doctor right away. But for some reason I have this feeling that I should wait on the whole doctor thing. I don't know what it is. 

Then, a different feeling hits me. But it's not a physical thing. It's something that I can't control and it's the one feeling I hate more than depression. Lonely. I feel lonely. Maybe it's a combination of being depressed and missing Austin. Or maybe it's just missing Austin. Either way, I miss him a lot and it's slowly tearing me apart not knowing where he is, what he's doing, or how he's doing. My problem is that I care too much about people that could give less than a shred of a shit about me. And I'm not saying that Austin doesn't care about me. I know he does. But I'm saying that he doesn't care about me as much as I care about him.

I decide to try sending him a text. Just a simple one. A small one. Telling him hi, that I miss him, asking him what he's doing. The ususal. Not that he would reply. He never does. But just in case he does see them I want him to know that I'm thinking about him. So that if he ever comes back, he knows that I still care. That I still think about him and that I miss him. 

In the beginning of Austin's disappearance, I would send him probably 4 texts a day. Now it's probably 4 texts a week. But right now it's Thursday and I've only sent one. I don't know why I feel the need to text him, I just do. I just all the sudden feel really lonely without him. I haven't felt his kisses, his hugs, heard his voice, seen his smile, felt his touch in 2 weeks. That's a long time to not be with someone that you love. 

When get as close to someone as I did with Austin, it's hard to be without them. You just get used to being around them, them being around you. 

I grab my phone and unlock it. I click on Austin's contact and just start typing to him. My fingers rapidly press the keys and I honestly don't even realize what I'm typing until I already sent it. I read it over and over again and I find it hard to believe that I wrote that. That I sent that text to him.

Hey Austin. I know that you won't respond to this, and that's okay. I just hope that ypu're doing okay wherever you are. Whatever you're doing, I hope that it's fun for you. Please know that I miss you. A lot. I don't know if I ever cross your mind, but I'm constantly thinking about you. I miss your laugh, and your smile, your face, your touch. I miss you. I love you. I think I always will. No matter what, you'll always mean something to me. I hope maybe I will always mean something to you too. Anyway, I hope you're happy with whatever it is you're doing. I miss and love you a lot, Austin. 

In a way, I'm proud of myself for sending that to him. I want him to know how I feel, even if he doesn't reply. Even if he doesn't see it. At least I can say that I told him how I feel. I can pretend he saw it and I can pretend that he knows now. 

Right as I'm about to close my eyes and try and sleep, I feel sick again. I run to the bathroom and repeat the same steps I took not too much earlier. When I get back to my bed I see that I never exited out of the message I sent to Austin. I'm about to when my breath catches in my throat. Underneath my messages, it says "Read at 6:52AM".

And on the other side? He's typing. 


No but I really am sorry. I feel like a bad person and a bad writer :( I really am sorry though. But hopefully this chapter was good enough to make you forgive me? I know it's a cliffhanger but I also know that you like those ;D So anyway, what did you think?! Pretty please comment and tell me! Don't forget to vote too! Alsoooo... Pretty please follow me: @Ameezys_Baby and the Austin from this story: @AustiinMahxne on twitter!

Comment and the next chapter could be dedicated to you! 80 votes until the next chapter<3 *)

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