Chapter 27 - Didn't Mean It Like This

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"I will always be in love with you, Austin Carter. Never forget."

Her body goes limp.


"Austin, we'll go find Jake and his pussy crew. You go find Katie." I nod my head in understanding.

"Save him for me." The boys all look at me, then at each other, then at me again. They all nod once and I smile. "Good. Let's move."

We all grip our guns and secure the hidden weapons that we have in our jackets, pants, everywhere. I don't quite understand how David obtained all of these, but I didn't care to ask. I was just grateful he brought them to us. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't worried about him. David, I mean. And no, I don't mean worried that he'll die or be trapped or anything like that. I'm worried he might betray us. He did have it out for Katie not too long ago. I told my crew to be cautious of him, privately.

Zach leads, Alex follows, Robert behind him, then David, then I bring up the rear. Like I said, I need to be cautious of David. Zach reaches a door and as we expected, it's locked. As I go to find something that could pick the lock, a gunshot is fired. I look up quickly, ready to defend myself and my crew, but find the door swinging open. I look at David with a questioning look.

"What?" He shrugs. "We needed to get in there somehow, and picking the lock would take too long."

I just shake my head and chuckle to myself as we begin running inside. Zach goes left with Alex following. Rob and David go straight, running to the upstairs. I go to the right with my gun in ready position.

Gunshots are fired upstairs and to behind me, but I don't pay attention. My mind is set on finding Katie, and that is exactly what I plan to do.

The kitchen is empty, but I double check anyways. More gunshots are fired and I turn back, heading towards where Zach and David are.

Alex is on the ground, holding his leg and cursing under his breath.

"Fuck," he says as I reach him.

I pat him on the shoulder and Zach does the same. "You gonna be alright, dude?"

Alex nods and lifts his hand up to look at the blood on his hand. "Yeah," he returns his hand to his leg. "I'll be fine. Go find Katie. We got down here covered. I'm sure there's more of them."

I nod once and stand up, breaking into a run immediately. I re-position my gun so it's ready to fire if needed. Once I reach the top of the stairs, I look to my left then to my right and left again.

"Hey!" I turn to my right quickly and see someone dressed in all black clothing sprinting towards me. I aim right in between his two eyes and pull the trigger. His body falls to the ground and I walk over to his direction, stepping over his body. If this is where someone came from to shoot me, she has to be over here.

Fighting the urge to call her name, I open a door slowly and aim for anything that could come towards me. Nothing does. Leaving the door open, I make my way down the hallway to another door. Repeating the same process, I get the same results as last time.

"Dammit." I mumble quietly to myself in frustration.

There's more footsteps coming from another closed door, and I turn to face it with my gun pointing at what will be an open entrance and position my finger on the trigger. The door swings open and as I'm about to pull the trigger, I see Robert breathing heavily and looking beat up. I raise an eyebrow at him, as if to ask 'what happened?'

"A couple of Jake's little workers. They shot David. Only got his hand, but I still had to fight them off."

"Are you okay? Is David?" I take slow steps towards the door and he nods.

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