Dont Depend Too Much (26)

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(again sorry for the problems.)

Evans pov

I walk to alyssas room still angry at what i had witnessed. Him holding my sister. Its bad enough that he tried to get my girlfriend but now my sister?! What the fuck?! i havent even looked at her since that key shit. "evan talk to me." jesse pleads. I rub my thumb on the back of alyssas hand. "evan thomas peters you look at me!" she shouts and kicks my leg. I huff in annoyance. She only does this when she doesnt get what she wants. Afyer years of not seeing her, she is still the same person.

"what am i supposed to say? huh? now shut up." i look away from her to my girlfriend. I start to get tired again and this damn headache wont go away. After he left the doctor gave me anti depressants and anti anxiety medication when i really dont need it. I feel my eyes get drowsy. I dont know why i woke up 2 hours ago. I sit on the bed and i avoid jesses stare. "evan." she sighs. I look at her and i roll my eyes when she pouts. "why?" i look at alyssa and jesse doesnt say anything. "because he makes me happy." she says and i shake my head. "how long?"


"um a week." she says and rubs the back of her neck. I sigh in frustration. I lay down on the bed next to her, making sure that i dont hurt her. I place my arm under her neck and i gently place my hand and hers on her stomach. As i play with her fingers i soon doze off into deep sleep.

Harrys pov

I pick up the last bit of glass off the floor. I had to go to the store and buy the same damn glasses and plates and it was frustrating. I sit on the couch with evans phone in my hand looking at the symbol . This is bad. But i dont get it. Why would THIS symbol be on his phone. If i recall there were 4. But it has been so long and this one means Chaos, the opposite of order. Since everything changes, there is no right or no wrong -- only the quest for pleasure. The x in the circle represents the different directions of chaos and the ways you can follow it. It means we have to die, like a sacrifice. Its truly terrifying if you get this. You never know who you have to sacrfice and I remember when mark put this on someone else and he was so paranoid that he killed himself.

I felt so bad for him, he had a family. I sigh and I get up off the couch. I walk into his bedroom and I look around. I open a drawer next to the left side and I see alot of papers. I sit on the bed and go through them.

Some are from classes and others are... letters?

It has to be. Most of them start with

Dear taisse


Um hey taisse.

But there is one that catches my eye.

Alyssa I dont know how to do this but i'm going to try.


He stops writing and I quickly try to find something else. I see another one and I start to read it.

Alyssa I am terrible at this type of stuff but I will try. Ok so I know that you know nothing about my past because I keep it locked away. I only do this because i dont want you to hate me. But I was a terrible person when I was younger. When I was in st. louis I would always get in trouble.

It all started when I was 15. I did drugs. I would use to break these pills that I took from my moms old boyfriend and I would.. You know.. But one day I went to school after I did that with some stupid makeup,my hair slicked back. I was so prepared to hurt anyone that hurt me. I wore all black like I was ready for all of their funerals, their death. I would get bullied by everyone it seemed so I didnt care anymore.

Trouble..(Evan peters/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now