Is Someone To Be There For Me. (15)

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I wake up to evan moving under me. "sorry, go back to sleep." he whispered and i look at the time its 4 am, i need to be up at 8 to go to my classes. "i can't." im wide awake now because.. i dont know my body just isnt tired, i guess. He lifts my head and i cant see his face but i hear the horror in his voice. "did you have the nightmare?" i shake my head and he sighs and holds me tighter. "you know we never properly did what normal couples do when we confess our 'dying' love for each other." he chuckles. "so what are normal couples supossed to do?" i loosen out of his grip and i sit on his stomach and he puts his hands on my waist. "ok, i think i have a couple of ideas."

i turn the lamp on and i see the smirk on his face. "and whats that?" all of my anger towards evan just goes away after he told me that he loved me. Suddenly he flips me over and he is on top of me. "well.." he sighs then bits his bottom lip. "first.this" he softly kisses me and he cups my cheek. "then this" he kisses my neck then it gets rough. i moan softly as he starts nibbling my skin then soothing it when he licks it ever so lightly. He sucks on the skin hoping to leave a mark.

His hand travels up my shirt then goes to my back tracing over my scar. He turns me so that my chest is on the bed and lifts my shirt. I grip the sheet as his soft lips kiss the outside of my scar. "beautiful." he says and i cant help but to smile. his hand travels down my back to the top of my underwear. His finger traces the edges and then i jump when i feel a slight sting on my bottom. I turn my head a little, to see evan smiling. "i couldnt help it." he shrugs and turns me back to face him.

"of course." i shake my head and he is in the same position that he was a second ago. He is laying on top of me and i lean in and start kissing his neck. He leans in so we are closer and i do the same as he did to my neck. We both know it will leave a mark but he doesnt seem to care. He moans out softly and i smile against his skin. "i love you" he whispers and i stop kissing his neck to fully look at him. "and i love you."


I cant even comprehend that she actually said that she loved me. When i told her that i loved her i expected her to laugh in my face but no she said it back. I need her but she isnt ready and i can respect that but my patients is thin. "i need you." slipped out of my mouth before i can catch it. She looks at me with her eyes wide. Damn it just slipped, Damn my dirty mind. Instead of the reaction i thought i was going to get, her cheeks turns an adorable red. "um..evan.." her voice brakes "i told you that... i was" i sigh because i know she is a virgin but that what i also love, that she is still pure. She quickly kisses my lips to pull me out of thought. "i know but i can still do this." i lower my hand to her stomach and look at her once more. She is biting her bottom lip and is looking at me. I smile and i lower my hand more til' i feel the fabric of her underwear. "its so...early"

she stutters and i frown because when im with her its never too early. "but alyssa.." i whine and she cups my face. "sorry i need to take a shower unless you want to do in there?" i can tell there was sarcasm in her voice but i'm taking it to a different level. "sure." i smile and get off of her and i turn and her eyes are wide and i have to hold down the laugh that is about to emerge. " i was joking!" she squeals as i scoop her up by my arms and she holds tight to me thinking i might drop her. "Nope no going back now." i look down and smile. She doesnt say anything else and i think that she will let me. We go to the restroom and i let her get down.

She stands and looks at me with an adorable scowl on her face. "no get, get" she tries to shoo me away but im not moving. She stands her for a minute then suddenly bends over and screams in pain. "alyssa!' i run over to her and she shakes her head and then comes back up."its ok its cramps, can you go and get my something to drink?" i nod quickly go to the kitchen but stop in my tracks when i hear the door slam. I run back to the door and try to open it but its locked. I hear the water running and her humming."really?" i hear her chuckle."yup." I sigh and sit on the couch and turn the tv on. I see a movie that was recently watched on demand. Coraline.

Trouble..(Evan peters/Editing)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя