To Find (2)

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"Mom! Please help!" I feel a sting on my back as i try to move away.

" MOM PLEASE!!" But she is just staring at me, not blinking. "DAD! help! Someone just help me I need somebody!" as I scream, the background starts to fade. I wake screaming. I look around the pitch black room before I turn the lamp on.

I am sweating and I am breathing rapidly. I feel tears fall down my face as I lift my shirt to feel my scar on my back. I look at zoeys bed in hopes to find her there, thinking maybe she had come home from her one night stand but she isnt there.

I am sitting in my bed alone, when all i want is someone here. I look at my phone to see the time and its 4:30 and its only Saturday. I try to go to sleep but end up looking at the ceiling. As I look at the ceiling, I feel my eyes get heavy once more and I sigh to prepare myself for another dark nightmare.


I wake up to my alarm and I'm so tired. I look at the clock again and its 8:25.

I get up and get my clothes and make my way to the..... community shower.


I walk cautiously to check if there is anyone in here but I'm alone. I turn on the water and set my clothes on the shelf.

After I'm done, I grab my clothes. I hear a loud slam, making me drop my clothes on the floor. Damn, i pick up my soggy clothes and i look to see what the sound was and it was another girl and guy laughing holding each others hands.

Ew, ew i don't want to know. I run back to my room, hoping no one would see me.

I close the door and quickly lock the door. I turn around to see Evan AGAIN on zoeys bed and I scream. He chuckles " Why are you here? Zoey isn't your girlfriend and she isn't here. You need to go. I need to um.. Put clothes on." My cheeks get red again.

" I wont look." He covers his eyes with his hand and peeks though his fingers, smiling making his dimples show.

As I try to cover the smile creeping on my face, I throw a nearby pillow at him and he laughs. " Cover them."

When he finally covers his eyes, I quickly get dressed. " Ok, I'm done. Now what did you want?" I try to sound cold as possible and I see the result in he frown. " Well, what if I just wanted to hang out with you or something?" I tilt my head back and laugh, after having that register in my head. " Ha, right. Now like I said, you need to leave." I take out the map of the school to study it and see if there is a shortcut to any of my classes.

" What are you doing?" he raises his eyebrow in confusion and i let out a aggravated sigh."I am studying the map, what does it look like? I don't want to get lost on the campus." he sits on my bed and I have this urge to to kick him off, but i decide against it. " Well isn't that the fun of it? the thrill." I chuckle.

" There is not thrill on getting lost." After a moment, he takes my map away.

" HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! GIVE IT BACK!" I try to reach for it but he rises it higher. "Nope. You need to learn to be free for once in your life." I continue to try and get the map back but he pulls it up even higher. " I don't need to learn, I think I'm ok on that subject." he starts laughing hysterically that he bends over to hold his stomach. I take the opportunity to take it back but he jerks his hand back to keep it. " Who talks like that? I think im ok on that subject." he mocks. As i step back he steps closer. " Well then what should I do then to learn to be free?" I step back again and he steps closer.

What is it with him getting closer?

He is inches from my face now. " Come find me. " he looks at my lips then into my eyes again.

Now I cant help but to wonder what he is thinking. He smiles and walks away quickly slaming the door. It takes a minute to process what happened and I get my shoes and leave. As I open the doors, I feel the cold air on my face making me shiver, I should have got a sweater.

"EVAN!" I shout and I hear a little girl. "MOM, NO!!" I stop in my tracks to shake the thought... The memory.

"MOM! NO! DONT TOUCH HER!! LEAVE HER ALONE!!" I feel useless again as I fall to my knees " Evan." I whisper, knowing he probably cant hear me. I feel dizzy and everytime I blink I see my mother screaming and I am terrified.

As I feel like I am about to fall I hear. "ALYSSA!" and I feel someone's hand on my shoulder as I fall into eternity.

Trouble..(Evan peters/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now