Then he stopped. He stopped shaking, he stopped whispering, he stopped breathing. It was deathly silence, like that when your in the eye of a storm.

The coldness began to crept up on Ani even more, and even made her shiver a little. She turned around, noticing that Sitri had calmed down now, though he's still looking down. "Sitri-nii? Are you okay now?"

Sitri let out a very low chuckle. "Yes, yes. I'm okay." In just a glimpse, he was already staring back at Ani, showing the grin that was very familiar to everyone before.

"How could I not be, when such a cute girl is right beside me?"

=≠(Back to Celleya and Hexhine)≠=

"What is brother doing?!" Celleya and Hexhine fasten their run, as the scream and wails towards Ani's room began to get even louder. "Why is Ani crying there?!"

"C-Celleya, what's happening?" Hexhine whispered, all the while grabbing a part of Celleya's uniform. She can't move as fast as the demoness, since she sealed her powers temporarily. Being the goddess of death also has it's drawbacks.

"I don't know Hexhine, I don't know." They kept on running.

They tried using the nearest teleporter, but strangely, it wasn't working. The only reason for it not working is for Sitri to turn it off, but why would he do that? Both the girls thought.

"Celleya! Celleya!" Thalia's voice came from a hallway to their right. "Did you hear Ani? Do you know what's happening to her?!" She was panicking like the other two, concerned on what's happening to their youngest companion.

"Thalia!" Celleya saw her, and ran again. Thalia quickly followed her. "I heard Ani at her room, but onii-chan should be in there too! And she sounded like..." She stopped as they were already in front of the door to Ani's. Quiet sniffles and cries can be heard by the sharp-eared girls outside.

"I'm scared..." Hexhine clutched fearfully to her new friend, Celleya.

"We need to go in. You can stay here if you don't want to, Hexhine." Celleya placed her hand on Hexhine's head.

"Let's go, we don't have time for this!" Thalia hastily opened it, and to their shock, they saw what was happening inside.



"Onii-chan! What are you doing?!" Celleya quickly walked towards the demon, his back facing her.

Sitri is currently pinning the smaller girl in front of him to the wall, glaring down at her menacingly. His face is contorted to that of a devilish smile, while Ani's shows complete fear towards him. The man in questioned turned around, and stared back at his sister.

"Oh, hi there my cute sister! Would you like to join us too?" Sitri cackled, while slowly walking towards the white-haired girl.

Thalia stepped in, and put herself in front of Celleya, protectively blocking her from his brother. "Sitri! What's wrong with you?! You're scaring both your little sisters!" Thalia angrily yelled.

Sitri turned his gaze towards the vampire, and talked. "Oh oh, there's a line here, vampire. Fall in line, don't be too hasty!" He teased.

The girl in question just blushed, though her expression is angry.

"Hero-kun!" Hexhine grabbed Sitri by his cape, stopping him from stepping forward.

Sitri became silent after hearing her voice. Then, he spoke quietly, though it could be heard clearly by the girls. "You... Did I gave you permission to touch me?"

Kurai Yoru (Darker Night)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin