Chapter 15: Dresses Galore

Start from the beginning

Sof had hung up 2 types of tuxedos, each now complete with a matching cummerbund and bow tie to V's dress. As I started to unbutton my shirt, Vaness turned around, facing the curtain, her face turning a pretty pink.

"You are allowed to look at this Vaness. It's all yours." I rumbled, my voice going down a few notches. She shyly looked around where I was already without a shirt and was hanging it up for later. I could feel her eyes on my back, watching me.

She helped me into the crisp, white tuxedo shirt and started buttoning it. I stopped her after 2 buttons because all I could think about was her undoing those buttons. I called to mind thoughts of a nun, knowing I didn't want to take her against the flimsy walls of a dressing room.

Hey, I am a man. When we see a beautiful lady in such close proximity whilst we are without proper clothing, it's easy to forget where you are. I finished buttoning the shirt as she found the light pink cummerbund and encircled my midsection with it. As I put on the tuxedo jacket, she carefully touched the matching bowtie. She fixed the bowtie around my neck and opened the curtain so we could walk out of the dressing room.

"Oh, that looks lovely." Brooklyn expressed as she sipped the rose champagne.

"Do we really need to try the others on? Or will this be okay?" I questioned, mostly looking at Vaness. Knowing my mind, I don't know if I'd be able to get through 2 more tuxedo changes with Vaness.

"Yeah, I think this will be just right. Let me grab Liz," Brooklyn told us, rising from the settee. Vaness and I walked into the dressing room, where I quickly changed back into my button down.

"Visit soon, Brooke!" Elizabeth was saying as Brooklyn gathered up our clothing.

We walked to the check-out, but Brooklyn stopped us.

"Vanessa's parents paid for everything. Don't worry about it. Now let's go get some shoes!" Brooklyn squealed, the alcohol clearly still in her system.

"Oh, Lance. I've called Chase and he's gonna be in that store. He also needs to get a new pair of dress shoes. You two have a good time!" I took one last look at Vaness and pecked her goodbye, much to her embarrassment if the flush on her cheeks was anything to go by.

Vanessa's POV:

"Um, Brooke. Mind telling me why we are heading towards a makeup store when you know I don't plan on spending any more money, even if it is my parents'?"

"We are going to Sephora! You need to grab a few things for date night, in case I'm not there to do your hair and makeup. Then we are going to grab you a pair of nice heels." Brooklyn explained, still dragging me towards Sephora.

I knew better than to argue, so I willingly went.

She led me around to the different sections as she browsed through the various mediums of makeup. She threw various shades blue, purple, golden, and silver eyeshadows into the black shopping bag slung over my arm, in addition to a few tubes of lip gloss and mascara. 

"Uh, Brooklyn. I think we should move onto shoes. This is enough makeup for one day." 

She pouted, but we paid and then walked into the shoe store beside the Sephora. 

After what seemed like an eternity, we finally got a pair of heels. I won the fight over practical or pretty. So I got a pair of practical, light pink heels.

           Finally, all the shopping was done with, our hands were filled with various bags, and our stomachs wanted food

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           Finally, all the shopping was done with, our hands were filled with various bags, and our stomachs wanted food. Remembering the ice cream waiting for me in the fridge at the apartment, I dragged Brooklyn to the car.

Lance's POV:

        Once I saw Brooklyn and Sarah leave for Sephora, I found Chase trying on a pair of black dress shoes.

"Hey, man! Nice to meet ya under less depressing and formal circumstances. Brooklyn tells me you need a pair of dress shoes for the reunion?"

 "Yeah, I have a pair, but they really aren't good enough to wear a tuxedo with. What do you suggest?" I asked, taking a seat next to him.

"Hmm. The ones in the navy blue box look like they would fit. Tuxedo shoes are like toothpaste if that makes a molecule of sense. You find a brand you like, you stick with it." He replied, pointing out the navy blue box.

     After the boys were done, they headed back to the apartment with their purchases.

Brooklyn's POV:

         As we drove back to Vanessa's apartment, we loudly sang to the latest songs playing on the radio. When we pulled into the parking lot, we saw that Chase's car was pulling into the parking spot. 

"Hey, the boys are here too. Let's give them a minute to catch up." I told Vanessa as she locked her car.

She nodded her head as we walked towards Chase's car. The boys got out of the car and waved. 

"Hey, you guys gonna come up?" Lance asked, walking up to Vanessa and kissing her temple.

"Well, we really should go. We have Sunday brunch with your family." Chase reasoned, looking at his phone's calendar. 

"We'll be on time. We haven't spent time with them in a while." I said tracing circles on Chase's solid chest. I could see his resolve disappearing until he, finally cracked. 

"Fine, we'll stay." 

Breaking into a smile, he took my hand into his and we walked behind Lance and Vanessa up to their apartment. 

"Why don't we watch a movie? You guys can pick a movie and Lance and I are gonna get some snacks ready." Vanessa instructed Chase and me. 

We nodded our heads in agreement and started looking through the racks of movies that Vanessa had collected over the years, ranging from Snow White to Passengers. 

As Lance and Vanessa walked into the kitchen, I could hear Vanessa's laugh through the hall. It's been such a long time since I've heard that.


Hey guys! 

First of, sorry for all the POV changes, but the views of a lot of people will help later on. 

Secondly, I don't think I've said this enough...


I add a chapter and suddenly there are 100+ total reads and votes. Every time I see a vote on a chapter or that someone else has added this to their reading list(s), I break into a huge smile! 😄😁😊Thank you x 100.

I know this chapter is kinda boring as it is a filler. 

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share!

That's all for now! :)

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