Chapter 14- Jasmine

Start from the beginning

"Don't leave," he pleads desperately. "Don't leave me Emberly. The only reason why I haven't admitted my feelings is because I'm.... I'm scared," he distastefully says.

"Scared of what?" She whispers hugging him tightly.

"That you'll just disappear one day like she did," I can't handle this, I'm going to cry. I'm an emotional wreck! I walk off quickly, I stand outside taking deep struggled breaths. I bet you tomorrow I'm going to get my period. A large warm hand on my shoulder makes me turn around.

"Are you okay?" Valentino asks in worry, I smile and stick my thumbs up.

"I'm just an emotional wreck," I laugh and he chuckles. Silence spreads through us and I look out at the property, it really is beautiful.

"Um, I need to ask you something," he awkwardly says, I look at him and nod for him to continue. "So there's a ball going on.... wait one second!" He runs inside and I shrug to myself at his weirdness. Two minutes later he walks out with roses, all sorts of chocolates, a bag of clothes from expensive shops and also cheap. The expensive and cheap shops include: forever new, Vogue! H&M, Cotton on, Kmart, little JC, pandora, supre, ice, city beach, Victoria's Secret, Prada, Chanel, Gucci, Versace, Calvin Klein and many more shops..... there's so much bags, I look at them frantically. He gives me the roses and I smell them with a small smile. "Would you like to go to the ball with me?" I smile and nod, you know what he deserves at this very moment? A hug. So I hug him.

"You didn't have to buy me all of this, I would've just been happy with a 2 dollar chocolate bar," I smile and he chuckles.

"You deserve much more than a chocolate bar. You deserve the whole world, you're an angel. Angels deserve everything," I feel tears push themselves forward.

"Not the waterworks," I mumble and he laughs. I hug him and he hugs me back tightly, "thank you so much." I don't even question how he knows my size, I feel bad that he got me so much.
"Val asked you?!" Nova squeals. "AND HE GOT YOU ALL OF THIS!" She points to the many bags on the bed and I nod stuffing a chocolate in my mouth. "Awe that's so cute!"

"Yeah..." I smile. "Did Mike ask you?" She shakes her head and frowns, I'm surprised honestly.

"No..." she shrugs and sighs. "Maybe he'll ask me later?" Aidan asked Cadence, Titus asked Emberly, Jarrad asked Amalia, but Mike hasn't asked Nova yet.... I think he may be planning something.

Valentino also told everyone that they have to go to their houses tonight because he needs leave and quiet but I have to stay. Not that I actually would want to go home with any of them, it would be a lovers fest! I'd just be third wheeling. Plus, Chris and Landon are going out clubbing tonight. Mike walks into my room without knocking and freezes in surprise when he sees the bags on my bed. "Val is a rich f*cker," he states. We all nod in agreement, "anyways, Nova we gotta go now. I'm taking you out."

"Ooohhhh," I say looking between the two.

Nova smiles and stands up skipping over to him, she wraps her arms around his neck. "I've missed you," she blurts out, he raises an eyebrow and smirks wiggling his eyebrows up and down; she slaps his chest and he laughs wrapping his arm around her waist.

"I've missed you too, baby." I fake a smile so I don't cringe, they say goodbye to me then walk out. Okay now I'm alone with Valentino.... I sigh and pack the last of my clothes away in the cupboard, a knock on the door makes me pause and turn around slowly.

Valentino stands big and tall in the door frame, his muscles seem to get even bigger as he crosses his arms over his chest and leans against the doorway. "Want to go for a swim?" He asks me, I nod.

"Okay." He smirks and walks out of the room, I rummage through the draws and grin as my hands touch the material of the bikinis he got me. They are teal, the bottoms have frilled bits at the sides. I put them on then walk out of the room, down the stairs and out the door to the outdoor poor. It's lights change from red to blue to purple, I look around trying to notice Val but I can't see him. So I open the pool gate and look at the beautiful pool area; it's massive. I'm to engaged with the pool to notice anything, suddenly my body is being lifted and the person is charging towards the pool while I'm screaming 'no!no!' His feet lift off the ground and we both go flinging towards the pool, I get a mouthful of water and I push up spluttering it out when I reach the surface.

"Val!" I exclaim hitting his chest with my fist. He laughs and pulls my body towards him, his smile is contagious; I can't help but grin and shake my head. He releases me and I grip onto the edge of the pool and push my arms out so they are stretched and my stomach is touching the water. It's relaxing for me.

"What are you doing?" I release the edge of the pool and my face lands in the water, I pull my head back up and push my hair out of my face. I glare at Valentino and let out a string of curses.

"I was relaxing until you startled me!" He smirks. "Val..." sensing my seriousness he stares at me staying silent. "Who is Jasmine?" His eyes widen and he looks away like it hurts to remember her. I don't know what's gotten into me but I move closer towards him and wrap my arms around him in a hug. He freezes in surprise but hugs me back, I feel really affectionate at the moment.

"She was Titus' girlfriend and a good friend," he replies dryly, I frown and look up at him.

"What happened to her?" I ask him.

"She died. She was killed, cold blood murder. She was raped, beaten, starved then killed. We found her, Titus blames himself because he didn't get there quick enough and he loved her," he grumbles. My eyes go wide and a gasp escapes my lips, he changes our positions so my legs are around his waist and my arms are around his neck and his arms are tightly wrapped around me. It's like he wants physical comfort and he needs me at this very moment, he needs skin to skin.

"Do.... Do you blame yourself too?" I quietly ask, he stays silent and looks behind my head.

"Sometimes..." he whispers. "But then I realise there was nothing I could do, we searched everywhere for her; she just wasn't there," he closes his eyes briefly before he looks at me. This time he shows me how he's feeling, his face is twisted in pain and he releases one arm to slap himself. I grab his hand and his blue eyes look at me.

"Don't hit yourself." I hug him tightly, he takes deep breaths and I actually think he is going to cry. Valentino Lacuna is going to cry.

"Promise me that you will always tell me if your in trouble or call me, anything," he pleads.

"I promise," I whisper.
Awe :( at least Willow was comforting him though.

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