[Chapter Thirteen] It's Okay

Start from the beginning

I didn't mind who she was or what she was standing for, but I don't want to corrupt her or anything, I'm probably no good for her.

"Well fuck" she said and whistled lowly

"Guess I was a bit off, huh?" she asked and I shook my head at her

"You think?"

"Good for her." she said and I smiled

"That's what I said."

"Oh my god, is Julian Cole smiling about a girl?" she teased and my smile immediately dropped.

"So what?" I challenged

"Well fuck, that's a first."

"No It is not!"

"It is for someone who's not family." She teased me and I groaned

"I like her, but I barley know her. But it doesn't matter." I sat on her bed and sighed

"Get to know her then, but as I said no physical relationship! And why doesn't it matter."

"No worries there and we're from different worlds for one, and for two I am never going to be what she deserves." I put my head in my hands "What the hell am I even doing?" I asked her and she shrugged

"Does anyone really know?" she asked "And why can't you be? There was a time when you held strong to the same values, there's no reason you can't try to make it work with her." she nudged me with her shoulder.

"I'm already thinking very" I trailed off "Inappropriate thoughts about her. And it's too late for those values" I mumbled.

"So what, just because you think them doesn't mean you respect her any less, and I'm sure she probably has them too, just more pg. It's not too late for them. if this relationship did work with you too, sure you would have more experience, but say you get married, you still would have waited years to sleep with anyone again and your wedding night would be your first time together. You made mistakes, and even if Bailey isn't the one, find a girl who will wait if that's what's important to you." she told me and I leaned my head on her.

Kylie was like me too, strong family values to wait until marriage when she got hooked on drugs, she was one who slept with her dealer for the drugs and was arrested for prostitution and that's when her dad forced it.

He legally had no right to, but money pays for some things, she had been cut off before and he spent a hell of a lot of money to pay off a facility to keep here there. Totally illegal on his part, but he didn't give a damn. He wasn't going to see his daughter in jail again, selling herself for money and drugs.

Before them, she was like me. I had the good guy reputation and played the all American boy in films. We both lost our way, but she's here to help me find mine, I'm luckier than she was.

She was pregnant by one of the men she sold herself to, or maybe a dealer. It was a bad time for her when she got an abortion because she was too drugged up all the time, the baby would have been born with serious birth defects. And some people say its murder, but I say she made the right choice for both of them.

But Kylie's fiancé is a great man. He's not a virgin, but he's waiting for her. She hasn't slept with a single person since she got clean, and I'm proud of her.

"If I can do it, you can do it." she whispered and I know she was thinking back to what she did. She still holds a lot of hate for herself, at times she breaks down and will still scrub at her skin because she feels dirty and disgusting, but Caleb, her fiancé has helped her through it all, he still does.

"You're not that person anymore." I told her and she wiped a tear

"I know." She said confidently and I smiled at her, she was such a strong person.

"Now the issue." She said

"Lacey sleeps here, and we both sleep better together. Nothing is going on." I told her quickly.

"But they don't know that, and they don't know you're my cousin either." She sighed

"Please." I pouted to her, yes, me, I was pouting.

"Fucking hell, stop doing that, it's weird." She pushed my face away "Be careful and don't get caught. If they ask I yelled at you two, looked into it and saw no sexual relationship and you were told it wasn't allowed."

"Thanks." I smiled at her

"Yeah, and you know, in here things move twice as fast. Bonds form sometimes overnight and you can fall in love in a matter of weeks. Don't fight it, Julian. If you care about her don't run away from it. It could be the best thing for you to embrace it." she said as I reached the door

"Like you and Caleb?" I asked and she nodded

"I met him and he was there for me when I was lost and confused. He understood In a way I felt like no one else could. We were there together three months, and he asked me before he left if I would move in with him when I got out. I agreed. It took me another couple months to be ready to leave and he was there waiting for me. We lived together six months before he proposed and here we are, I'm getting married in two months and I've been in love with him since five weeks after I met him. I couldn't have asked for a better man."

"You think it could work?" I asked

"Do you want it too?" she asked and I stood there thinking for a minute. I felt a connection and I liked her, but I don't know how she feels about me really.

"I think so; I guess I'll let you know if I'm in love in three and a half weeks." I half joked and she smiled and nodded.

"Don't let sex screw it up. Be there for her, sometimes to hold her and sometimes from afar. It's going to be a rough ride for a while if you do decide to move forward."

"Shouldn't you discourage me?" I asked amused

"You're happiness and wellbeing is my concern here. You're my patient but you are my family first. As long as you aren't a dick and don't have sex with her, I'm fine with it. This places isn't about separating people if they feel a connection, it's about protecting each person."

"So anyone can date in here, and you're fine with it?" I asked her

"As long as they follow the rules." She said "Then what's the problem?"

"I guess I'll see how it goes." I smiled at her and gave her a hug. After she let go she pushed me towards the door.

"Go see if there's something more." She told me 

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