Episode 10: B L O O D M O O N

Start from the beginning

It's here and I could already feel my body shifting without my control as the full moon slowly emerged from the sky, my heart beating like a drum while my nerves felt like they're all on fire.

"That should hold" said Luke as he wrapped me in the last chain

"I hope" Matt sighed

"It's happening" I growled as my teeth and claws emerged.

"Try breathing in and out Jace" Matt advised

"It hurts!!!, argghhh!! it hurts so bad!!!" I cried and scream in pain.

"Focus on my voice Jace" Matt said

"AARRGGHHHH" I screamed in pain as the moon ray light up the basement.

"Get the ice" Matt told Luke who immediately ran upstairs to get it.



Reaching out to grab the ice pack from the freezer, I noticed I also had shifted without knowing, I already learned to control myself but when something like this happens, it could only mean one thing.

"Oh shit" i cursed, looking at the sky, tonight wasn't just any full moon, it's the red moon

"What the hell is taking you so long" Matt yelled as he approached me

"It's a red moon" I gasped, pointing at the window.

"Fuck" Matt cursed as his eyes opened wide "Jace can't handle this...not yet" he said

The sudden sound of woods collapsing and a loud roar gained our attention, my heart skipped a beat as I watched Matt run towards it, I knew for sure it could only mean one thing.

"He's gone" Matt announced as I joined him in the basement which is now mostly broken woods

"We're screwed" I cursed as I stared in disbelief.



"Madison you made it!" Justin cheered as he opened the door.

"Wouldn't miss it, happy birthday Justin" Madison hugged him

"Happy Birthday" said Kim, handing him a present

"Happy birthday!" I said awkwardly as I approached him "that's all I got, sorry I didn't bring any present, I didn't have enough time" I apologized

"It's cool, come in and enjoy the party" Justin Invited us all in.

The disco ball flashed it multi colored ray all around the room as music blasted from the speakers, I thought we came early but the room was already packed with people.

"Holy shit" I smiled, ready for an amazing night, I can't wait to tell Jace what he missed out on.



"Grab the guns, everything you can find " I ordered as I loaded up the truck

"On it" Luke replied

"Come on let's go" I said as Luke returned with the bags

"How far do you think he went" Luke asked as we drove into the night

"He will be heading for anything that attracts him, any sound, or large gathering" I replied

"Oh shit! The party!!" Luke exclaimed

"What party and how big is it" I asked

"Justin's, he is the school quarterback so I'm pretty sure the whole school would turn up, Tonx avenue" Luke replied.

"Hold on to something" I said as i put the truck in reverse, turned around and head towards the party.

"I see him!" Luke yelled as he spotted Jace running on all fours

"Can you get a good aim" I asked him while I focused on the road

"I will try" he replied as I hand him the gun

Bang!!! The gun went off, the bullet hit Jace leg, sending him tumbling down.

"Yes!" I cheered

"He's getting up... He's getting up!" Luke yelled

"We now have the tracker inside him, we can now track and follow him" I said

"Watch out!" Luke suddenly yelled as a tree came crashing down on the road

"Jump!" I screamed as the both of us narrowly escaped just as the truck hit the tree, exploding on impact.

"My car!!" I yelled, watching the car go up in flames "that does it!" I grunted through my teeth.

"Why didn't he even stop to fight us?" Luke panted

"He is interested in something much bigger" I replied

"Which is?" Said Luke

"An all you can eat buffet" I replied

"Now what?" Luke sighed, defeated

"We do this old school style, to hunt a wolf, be a wolf" I said as I shifted

"Use the trees we must stop him at all cost, we can't let him get to that party" I added as the both of us head for the woods.


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