The Champion

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Zenith's house is large yet easy to navigate, however it seems to change every night. I don't know if it actually does but it feels like it does. He's given us a few days rest before training starts, he made the strict rule of keeping us in separate rooms. According to Akeno every time she'd try and find me she'd get lost in the halls of the house, despite knowing her way around. It appears to be designed off an old english residence. Zenith himself always seemed to be busy with something and had little time to explain things to us. But today he has asked for our audience.

"I'm glad everyone managed to come downstairs for this meeting." He says sarcastically. "As you know you're here for training. My daughter Kara will teach you in the ways of magic having excelled to a much higher level than any of you. And the sword-master named Desmond will train you in combat."

"Who is Desmond?" Rias asks.

"He's almost human so don't worry about that. (Desmond is actually a character that appeared in my dream last night.)" Zenith grins in delight, his human form so much smaller than his real form.

"What do you mean by almost human?" Issei the new addition to the group ponders.

"He's a mongrel vampire. I've known him for about. I can't remember. But it was in this country, he was training to become a Samurai in dimension 67-B. Those were good times. He's about five thousand years old. So go easy on him." His eyes glimmer with excitement.

"Five thousand!?" Akeno questions loudly.

"Yes. Why?"

"That's insane." I claim.

"What age do most humans live to?" Zenith scratches his head.

"One hundred at the most." I inform him.

"How can you accomplish anything in such a short time. I'm fourteen billion and there's still stuff I want to do." We all stand open mouthed but Zenith brushes our glares off. "I have an important meeting with my company to attend. We need to get my dimensional energy levels recharged. So I will see you at dinner." He leaves in hast getting into the same car from the day before.

"I'm starving" a girl speaks from behind me, dressed tightly in a black and red tracksuit she sits at the table like a zombie. Short black hair sits neatly atop her shoulders and she lies with her head in her arms. "Who are you?" Rias asks.

"Me?" She yawns. "I'm Samantha Arachnid. I work for Zenith." She falls onto the table again.

"Why haven't we seen you before?" I ask.

"Hm. Oh, that's because I was on business in another dimension. Zenith asked me to assist him here and in doing so. My dimensional teleporter ran out of power. So me and Zenith are stuck here." She mumbles into the table and starts to snore. "And I will be helping you all with dodging and stances." She adds before returning to sleep. "Does anyone know how to cook with this stuff?" Akeno opens the fridge and inside there's a variety of English foodstuffs. Bacon, eggs, sausages even black pudding. But I guess it must be difficult considering the lack of rice, noodles or anything to sustain a meal. "I do!" Someone shouts from the doorway. A small ginger haired girl with matching cat ear and tail cheers. "Lauren! Zenith ordered me to not let you do anything!" Samantha quickly awakens and stands to attention pointing accusingly at the cat girl. "Please Samantha." She smiles cutely and Sam falls to the ground.

"Your power it's too strong. Please don't do this!" She yells dramatically.

"Master Zenith has informed me that you will all require nourishment." A robotic voice speaks. "That is why I did the smart thing. And woke up Mr Killer." The voice shuts off with a dull drone.

The Manticore (Male Reader X Highschool DxD)(Complete)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora