Crimson Eyes

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My mind aches as I stir from sleep, my head resting upon soft pillows. I move my head so I'm face first in the soft warm pillows. Then they moan, and I realise that they are not pillows. My body acts by itself and leaps off of Akeno, how did I forget that she was there. "Hey Y/N" she slowly opens her eyes and stretches her limbs pushing the covers off her naked form. "H-hey." I nervously blush and look at the floor. I look back at her and she is inches away from my face, launching myself backwards my head hits the wall and I yelp in pain. "You're so cute when you're shy." She plants a soft kiss on my cheek the gathers a set of clothes. "We should get to class or we'll be late. Apparently there's a new teacher." After pulling up her underwear she turns to me "can you help?" She turns her back to me revealing the unclasped bra. My hands shaking I hook it.


My stomach grumbles. "I wish I had gotten up earlier. I didn't have time for breakfast." I say to myself walking to homeroom (forgive me but I believe this is the common word.) A tall man dressed in a ragged suit runs past me leaving a whip of wind. His pure black hair waves at me as he leaves, shoes tap on the ground. Papers fly behind him and fall to the ground and I quickly realise he must be the new homeroom teacher. Picking up the papers I continue at my leisurely pace quickly gathering a small pile.

When I arrive in the room I see the teacher in more detail now. He has short black hair and crimson red eyes. Unmatched by any red I've ever seen, except maybe Rias' hair. "Young master L/N. You appear to be late." He states taking the papers from me. "But I'll excuse you. I'm sure nobody has anything to do in homeroom." He smiles at me then sits at his desk for a few seconds. Once everyone calms down he stands up and heads to the board. "My name is Mr Z. Krakveek. But since that may be difficult to say. Just call me Zenith." He takes a small bow then looks at who is in the room. "Since I know literally none of your names. Let's play a game. I will ask someone's name and they will say the name of the person they are most attracted to." A few people snigger around the room and Zenith scoffs. "I was under the impression that we were all adults. But if you'd like for me to assign designated seats for all of you then continue to laugh." The room goes silent and he knows he has full control. "Just relax everyone and we can take this slowly. And please don't lie to me. I will know." A serious tone quickly dissipates and the same cheerful voice returns. "Let's start with..." he rubs his chin with his hand. "Hmmm. I'm going to be cruel." He makes his way to the back of the room. "You." He selects an innocent looking girl from the back corner.

"I-I erm. Kiba." She blurts out seemingly not in control of her own tongue.

"Kiba. Where are you?" Zenith turns back to the front and lands his hand on Kiba's shoulder. "You seem to have a devilishly overwhelming effect on the opposite sex. And I've only been here a day." The word devilishly lingers on his tongue. Does he know? He couldn't possibly. "Kiba. Who do you find the most attractive?" Zenith sits on his own desk and crosses his arms.

"Koneko" Kiba blushes and Koneko follows in quick succession. He looks surprised at his own words.

"I have a feeling we've hit a dead end with these two. So let's move on." He smirks at me and sits on the corner of my desk. "You" he points across the room at Akeno, his fingers tap on the table.

"Y/N." Akeno says without much surprise or blushing. I however do blush.

"You students seem to be under the impression that sex is bad. It's not. Well not in this dimension." He chuckles to himself, a drop of despair glitters in his eye. "It's perfectly natural for two humans to fall in love. And I'm sure that somewhere out there, there is a Heaven and a Hell. Loving someone will not get you sent to Hell. That's all for today. Would Koneko, Kiba, Akeno, Y/N and Rias please stay behind. I must have a word with you." Soon everyone has left excluding us five.

"You may be curious as to why I have kept you all behind." He sits at his desk and we all nod slightly. He puts his feet on his desk and folds his arms. "You see. I know everything. I know what each and everyone of you are." My eyes widen along with everyone else's.

"I don't understand" Rias tells Zenith.

"But I think you do. I've had talks with your brother before. Nice guy." He cracks each of his fingers individually. "Devils you call yourselves. I need your help."

"With what?" Rias asks.

"The end is near. Your brother has been involved and a meeting has been organized. Xenwrath don't pretend you're not here." Zenith sighs. "On the bright side I discovered these things called chocolate muffins. They're really good." He starts eating a muffin out of no where.

"Zenith when was the last time you took something seriously?" Xenwrath asks.

"Around the same time I stopped giving a Fuck. You should just be happy I'm helping. Oh and Rias free up your evening. I imagine you'll be called upon." He shoves the rest of the muffin into his mouth. "Now go" he mumbles spitting out crumbs. "Goodbye. I'll see you lot at the meeting. Should be late tonight."

Author's Notes - And so the plot thickens. As you have probably gathered the world is ending as in all my fanfics. There may be a way to stop it though, but that will have to wait for the next chapter. Zenith Out...

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