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I'm warm, so very warm. Am I dead? Or am I dying? "Stop being such a melodramatic little bitch!" Opening my eyes I find myself in a large room. A sofa opposite the one I lie on and an office desk at one side of the room.

"Gah, fuck!" I groan trying to get up, the wound on my stomach still stinging. I manage to stand up and I walk over to the window, outside I can see what looks like school grounds. "Where am I?" My head aches beyond belief and I fall to my knees again. The wound starts to bleed again and I clutch it smearing myself in crimson red. "What happened?" The world has a strange tint to it as I clamber back onto the sofa. "We were attacked by the Chimera known as Makrex. She stabbed us with the vampire sword, Bloodlust. Someone saved us but I don't know who." Suddenly I remember what happened and my head starts to hurt even more.

"Whoever saved me is a bastard for not leaving pain killers." My face contorts in pain, I hold my stomach as if my organs would fall out. "That's not very polite." Stumbling to my feet I look at the person who saved me "Devil." Are the words I mutter as I am greeted with the face of Rias Gremory. "I am indeed. You're lucky people don't pay attention to a Manticore's voice." She struts towards me and I back off to the window. "Stay back!" Xenwrath snarls.

"Xenwrath, last of the Manticore souls. You picked this young boy as your host." She stops moving towards me and folds her arms "You should've seen him when he was born. I see potential where you see a child." For once I wish I could see the beast inside my head.

"You tried to use magic on the train, against that angel." Rias takes a few more steps towards me, "Back away!" I yell at her. Lifting my right arm up I repeat the lessons taught to me by Xenwrath. "Stop. Where do you expect us to go? We're already at the school your parents sent us to." Shuddering I lower my arm the notice Rias' school uniform, the same as Kuoh academy. "Rias, I didn't realise devils go to school." Xenwrath mocks slightly.

"I didn't realise Manticore spirits reside in perverts." Her arms fold again under her huge beautiful breasts. I just wish that I cou- "Not a good time Y/N!" Rias takes a few steps closer, I'm not sure if the fact that she's a woman makes me more uncomfortable or the fact that she's a devil. "Why did you save me!" I growl at her, trying to seem much larger then I actually am.

"You interest me. Such a handsome child with such a strong beast inside him." Once again she works her way closer, "Your sweet words will not sway us!"

"I don't know Xenwrath they're pretty sweet." I inform the Manticore.

"Like her tits?" He asks.

"Yeah" I answer picturing me squeezing those glorious globes.

"I am here you know!" Rias brings attention back to herself I glance at her before looking back out the window. "I am surprised. You haven't fully healed despite the reincarnation." I freeze where is stand as she speaks those words "You bitch!" Xenwrath growls "You turned Y/N into a devil!"

"W-what?" I shiver in fear, "what did you do?" My brow furrows in anger. The world turns red and I collapse onto the ground. "Rias. What did you do to him?" Akeno runs up beside me and crouches holding my head against her chest. "I did nothing. I just told him the truth." I look at the floor studying every detail. "Remember your place Akeno. He's my knight." My throat feels rough and dry, Akeno's chest is soft against my face. "The vampire blade's wounds can't be healed by devil magic." As if on cue I cough up a puddle of blood. "It will take time. But we will recover" I try to get up but Akeno pulls me back.

"You're not ready. Xenwrath what can we do?" Akeno asks stroking my head, I blush a dark shade of red.

"We need the blood of a vampire. That is the weakness of a wound created by the vampire blade. However I highly doubt you have one just ly-"

"We have one" Rias says. "But I doubt he'll be willing to help. We may have to find another." Xenwrath's anger silently bubbles. "Then why did you interrupt me big boobs?!" He roars.

"Am I going to die?" I ask Xenwrath.

"If we can't get that blood then it's likely. But there is a possibility that you may survive. Wait there may be another way..." untangling myself from Akeno's arms I get up and walk to the door.

"How?" I lean against the door frame.

"You must kill a stray. Either a demon or a fallen angel. Then you must devour it."

"Great" I mutter trying not to throw up in my mouth.

"We know where one is." Akeno pipes up. She walks over to me and helps me back onto the sofa.

"Take us to it. We are thankful for your assistance so far. But I have enough power left to finish the demon."

"Take us to it" I order Akeno and Rias.


Her I am, standing off against a stray demon. Her human like body twisted and warped into something gruesome and unrecognisable. "Are you ready?!" Xenwrath asks me, Rias and her friends standing behind me. Probably in case I die, they might have to kill it. I nod slowly. "Remember what I told you."

"Don't just grope the boob. Feel the bo-"

"No! The other thing."

"Ass is inferior to tits."

"No the other other thing." I remember I'm just playing with him. Concentrating I focus my power into my right hand. A thick gauntlet materialises and a long spiked whip extends from the back of my hand. A long sharp barb stands at the end like a stinger. Swinging my arm at the creature the whip wraps around her neck the spikes embedding in her flesh. "Do it!" Xenwrath commands. Pulling my wrist back the spikes tear up the flesh around her throat and her neck breaks. Her head lands before me, her face twisted into a grim expression. The colossal wreck of her body falls to the ground, rolling to the side last minute I dodge the hunk of flesh. "That was fun." I chuckle uncontrollably something takes over and I tear apart the carcass before me spreading blood and gore across the abandoned cinema. "Eat her flesh" my eyes widen and my stinger retracts. Five long claws extend from my fingers and I tear out the stray's heart. What am I doing? My actions are beyond my control as I bite into the crimson flesh, muscle and sinew tear under my teeth. Crimson runs down my chin and I take another bite. Followed by another. And another. Soon the heart is gone and I tear apart the rest of the gorey feast. "That should be enough. You can stop." Except I can't stop. I'm no longer in control and I rip the delicious meat from bone and stuff it down my throat. "I'm sorry. I didn't realise the bloodlust would go this far."

My body is slick with blood and so is the building. Only a few scattered remains of the stray remain and my mind begins to clear. The metallic rich taste of blood fills my mouth and it's foul stench fills my nostrils. "That was. Strange." I collapse once again onto the crimson red ground...

Author's Notes - considering the word Manticore means man-eater I decided this would be a fitting way to restore yourself. Who needs devil healing when you can eat everything. Your abilities are going to be quite varied. The stinger may be in a gauntlet now but we all know where that actually comes from. Zenith Out...

The Manticore (Male Reader X Highschool DxD)(Complete)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat