chapter 4: Finding out destiny

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Chapter 4

All of the guys, except Chase went off to meet new people and watch the game, but I knew they just wanted to meet some girls. The soccer game had just started and about everyone from school was there. Chase and I were walking around talking about his old town. I found out he played football, quarterback, and basketball, center, in Ohio. I told him I was on the volleyball, basketball, and soccer team, though he was shocked that I didn't do track.

"No, I wouldn't be able to run track to boring, I just run to keep in shape, but I've been busy lately." I said looking down, busy with demons, my dad gone, and you five guys moving in, I thought to myself.

"Oh I just thought you did." He mumbled.

"Piper!" Yelled a few voices behind me. I groaned but turned around to face my friends.

Alice, the hoe, Lily, the punker, Josh, the jock, Brad, the emo, and Grace to prep.

"Chase this is some of my friends from school, this is Alice, Lily, Josh, Brad, and Grace. Guys this is Chase, he is one of the guys living with me now." I said.

"Well, if I had known that you were going to have such hot guys move in with you I would have come over." Alice said, eyeing Chase up and down slowly. Chase looked away, disgusted. I had to suppress a laugh.

"Look dude," Josh said, "I just got one thing to say, if you or any of the other guys hurt Piper in any way I will kick you asses, got it?"

"Got it." Chase smiled.

"Do you think I'm joking?" He asked, gosh he could be to over protective at times.

"No, it's just I think Piper would kick my ass first, she's got a temper man." Chase said, winking at me.

"Oh so she already blew up around you?" He laughed, "Dang Piper just can't keep cool for five minutes?"

"Yes I can! I am offended that you would say that, I'm deeply hurt." I said poking out my bottom lip and playing my hand over my heart.

"I'm just..." Josh said but was cut off when someone else called my name.

"Piper!" Yelled an all too familiar voice. "Piper, I got to tell you something."

I turned around and saw a protector with red short cropped hair running towards me.

"Kalan," I said shocked. "What are you doing here?"

"Well I have to talk to you." He said. "They said it was important."

"Okay sure, I'll be right back guys," I said walking off with Kalan.

"The other protectors didn't want to come, yet alone tell you this, but I thought you should know, it took me a couple of days to make them agree, but I did."

"What is it, Kalan?" I asked stopping when we were away from everyone behind the bathrooms and concession stand.

"The protectors have predicted that something big is on the horizon, something only you can stop, but for a price. You must choose between what is right and what is in your heart. Each choice will have consequences, but one more severe than the other. Some of the ones you trust will turn against you, and you just might lose yourself on the way. A demon will rise again, resurrected from the afterlife in hell. He, the most powerful demon is after one thing and one thing only." He said.

"What is he after? Who is he?"

"We do not know who he is; just that he wants you and your soul. He wants you as his wife so he can rise out to the world and rule it. He wants to control the magical world." He said.

"What do I have to do?" I asked.

"You must go through many things, first you must go through utopia, defeat the ruler of the underworld, and find the hidden keys; you see we don't have all of the information. That is why we need you to figure out who is it and how to stop it. It is your destiny that you and only you stop whatever it is. Thought I am wondering if the truth will help you stay alive, or if it will kill you."

"But, I don't know what to do!" I yelled. "That's my dad's job."

"Oh yes, about your dad, you must find him and soon." With that he walked away leaving me stunned and speechless. Destiny? Keys? New Power? What the hell?!?

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