Sunlight Captivation Ch. 1 Running

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Chapter One


"No, dad please don't go." I begged as he walked to the door with his stuff in his hands.

I hate this place; hate that woman of a wife. I don't care about either of them.

"Daddy, how could you think that?" Shock crossed my face as I heard him think that, and my depression turned to anger in a heartbeat. Still I wanted him to stay, he is my father. I felt like he was hiding something for a while, well I knew he was hiding something. He was more distant that before, but I never thought it was become so serious.

"Look," he snapped turning on his heel with his hand on the door handle, "I can't stay here any longer. I feel trapped. I hate this town, I hate your mother, and..." he looked at me for a long moment.

I felt a sharp pain in my gut and heart. My hands flew to my stomach, grasping it in pain. I felt was he was feeling. He was trying not to feel or even think it, but failed miserably.

I love you. He thought in his head and rushed out the door without another look, word, or thought.

I ran after him, only to see him disappear in a blink of an eye, with bright lights swirling around him. I feel to the ground, wondering what would happen, and why he had to leave now.

I woke with a gasp. Just a dream, just a dream, just a dream. I tried to convince myself, but I knew it wasn't true. Every morning since that dark day I had that dream and each time I tried to convince myself that it never happened.

Thought I could never make myself believe that lie. I thought about everything that happened when my dad got back three months ago from his last mission that the protectors gave him. He came home the same way as usual, by orbing in saying some lame joke. He seemed more distant as time went on. He started orbing places for hours of the day and coming home covered in dirt, soaking wet, or bleeding. He would barely say anything; he would just eat, and then lock himself in his office.

He left a month after he came back. It's been two months since I've seen or talked to him. My mom was a nervous wreck, she went through her normal break down steps; denial, anger, tears, drinking, and now over-working. She thought it would be a great idea to take in five teenage guys, who are about my age. Monday they will be going to my school, and they are coming here today.

I opened my eyes and saw the sunlight trying to make its way through the closed blinds. I got up, walked to the window, and opened the blinds to let the sunlight captivate me as it shined on the small lake by the house.

Sunlight captivation, I sighed at that thought. My dad used to say that I would captivate anyone that saw me, and someday I might just be the sunlight for some lucky guy. Corny, I know. I laughed when he said that, I had too many secrets to be trusted.

The small lake about a football field away from the house had ducks swimming in the shallow banks, while the sin shimmered over the brown murky water. Surrounding the lake was a forest with a trail that leads to my favorite place that only my dad and I knew about.

There were many memories by that lake. The first time I learned about my powers. I unintentionally threw a fireball at my dad and it hit him in the shoulder. There was blood everywhere; I stood there shocked, on the verge of tears, while my mother healed him with her only power. Dad just laughed it off, saying, "Finally, she has a power." Then, the first time I encountered my first demon, wasn't much of a fight, now that I look back at it. My mom and dad renewed their vows under a curved, white trellis with red flowers wrapped around the wood work. Mom wore a long puffy dress, dad a traditional tuxedo. I wore a long low-cut pink dress, which my mother forced me into.

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