Christmas Day

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-Edd P.O.V.-

I wake up to the natural light of the morning and roll over so I'm facing my nightstand. I rub my eyes into focus before picking up my phone and turning on the screen.

[No New Messages]

That's strange..

I get up and get dressed for Christmas breakfast. Since traditionally German families open all the presents Christmas Eve, Christmas morning doesn't feel as exciting to me as it does to every other American child.

Speaking of which, I never got to open presents with Kevin because of all the arguments..

Coming downstairs, the smell of eggs and crepes float into my face. I take in a deep breath and enjoy the smell for a bit before walking into the kitchen.

"Hallo mutti (Hello mom)" I say to my mother as she dances around the stove, stirring the eggs and occasionally flipping and pouring a crepe on the pans.

"Guten morgen. Schlafst gut?" (Good morning. Sleep well?) She asks me, sounding unusually cheery.

"Ja, ja." (Yes, yes) I respond to her in a not so cheery tone. "Um, mom." I start. I'm worried about Kevin."

"Yeah, I can tell." She says, pouring the last of the crepe batter straight from the mixing bowl into the pan. "I'm so sorry about last night, dear. Grandfather John was totally out of line and my family should have been more trust worthy." She apologizes.

"It is what it is. I can't go back and change it." I say in defeat. "Kevin also hasn't contacted me at all." I inform her.

"Eddward, it's only 9 AM. Maybe he wants to sleep in, or he's having some time with his family." She suggests.

More likely sleeping than spending time with his father.

"I think I might go over there." I say to her.

She takes in a breath as if she is trying to calm herself down.

"You can after breakfast okay?" She's says, sounding exhausted with the situation.

After flipping the last crepe on the stack of other crepes, she walks away from the stove and comes towards me with open arms, then wrapping them around my core. I embrace her back, resting my chin on her shoulder.

"Everything will be okay. I promise." She tries to reassure me. "Ich liebe dich." (I love you)

"Love you too, mom." I say before pulling away from her and sitting down at the table.

She walks away from me and over to the bottom of the staircase.

"Breakfast is ready!" My mom yells up to my dad.

"Okay, be there in a minute." My dad yells back, but sounding a bit muffled due to the distance and walls between them.

"Nein, nein, come down this instant. Your dissertation can wait!" She yells again, this time walking away from the stairs and walking back to the oven.

There was a silence before my father responded where I knew he sighed an inaudible sigh.

"Okay, okay." He yells, as we hear movement along the ceiling resembling footsteps.

My mother moves all the food to the table and sits down. As soon as she sits, my father reaches the bottom of the stairs and then sits down in his usual seat. He breathes in through his nose deeply.

"Amazing, as usual." He says to my mother with a convincing grin.

"You woke me up with your constant taping and clicking on your computer. Some compliment about my food is not going to make it forgivable." My mother responds, moving some of the crepes onto her plate.

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