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-Edd P.O.V.-

"This will be so much fun!" Nazz says optimistically while driving.

I sat in the passenger seat of her light pink convertible, on our way to the mall.

"What should I get Eddy?" She asks me.

"Well, to be honest, you should probably get him money." I told her.

"Really?" She questions me, kind of bummed, and pulls into the mall parking lot.

"Well, he's not the easiest to shop for." I explain to her as she picks a space close to the front entrance and pulls into it.

She turns off the car and gets out as I follow suit.

"Why is he so hard to shop for?" She asks me.

We get to the front door and I open the doors for her to go first.

"He's, uh, very well rounded, he doesn't particularly like one thing. He's also pretty picky if that makes any sense." I say, trying to describe Eddy which is pretty difficult. "He would have phases when he was younger, which made shopping easier, but now he just works and watches TV."

"Hmmm, I manage to get a difficult one, yet again." She says with a sigh.

"Maybe you're just really good with difficult guys." I say, trying to lighten the mood.

"Maybe. I just hope he likes what I get him." She says with some doubt.

"Trust me, he'll like anything you give him because it's coming from you."

"You sure?"

"Of course, I've never seen him so in love with someone before."

"I hope it stays that way."

"Oh it will, he's pretty set on you." I laugh.

She smiles but doesn't respond and guides us into a craft store.

"What are you looking for?" I ask.

"A picture frame. I was going to put a picture of us in it and give it to him. He can't possibly reject that." She said, looking through the different frames.

"If anything, he should be the one fearing rejection. He's liked you for a while and just got you, he doesn't want to mess anything up." I say, picking up a frame he might like.

"How long has he liked me?" She asks excitedly.

"I'm not exactly sure. He would always stare and compliment you, but never up front say he had feelings for you, Ed and I just assumed. And well, here we are."

I pick up a frame from the display.

"I think he'll like this one." I said, holding up a slick black frame for her to see.

"It's so simple." She says, taking the frame from me.

I laugh.

"He is so simple."

"I guess you're right."

We go up to the counter and pay for the frame. He was tall, thin, and had straight brown hair.

"Christmas shopping?" The cashier asks.


"For a boyfriend I presume?" He asks, taking the frame from her hand.

"How'd you know?" She laughs.

"Well it's the season." He says, scanning the frame. "Is he helping you out?" He asks about me.

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