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Read if you want: Hey, Alliandria here. So currently, I am sitting in a pitch dark room at 11 at night, eating shitty ass cereal because I'm on a goddamn diet, when really I should be sleeping for school tomorrow but fuck it since I really don't give a damn and I didn't even go to school today because I didn't feel like it and I didn't do the homework for that day. Disclaimer: Unsweetened almond milk is fucking disgusting but I have to drink it anyway UGH RAGE.

Okay, sorry for the rage. Continue on with my lovely story.

-Kevin P.O.V.-

She just stood there for a moment, and then her whole demeanor changed.

"Okay, hold on. Where the Hell did you come from, what do you mean you're in love with Edd, and why did you come here to tell me that?" She yelled.

Really. You're gonna yell at me now?

"I came from Edd's house, I mean what I said, I think I am in love with Edd, and I'm here because I thought you needed some closure." I yelled back. Her yelling at me for some reason is pissing me off. I sigh and rub my forehead.

"We have to talk about this some time." I said in a calmer voice.

She slammed the door shut.

"I don't want to talk about it!" She yelled again, turning from the door and walking into the kitchen.

"Why not?" I yell back.

"Why do you think, Kevin?! Because it hurts to think about it!" She yelled with tears in her eyes.

"Nazz, I told you that this is my deal, not yours." I tried to console her.

"I don't care who's 'deal' it was, Kevin. I still love you!" She screamed. She gripped the edge of the counter and hung her head over the sink, letting her tears fall into it.

"Do you even know how I feel?" I questioned her. "For one minute, have you ever thought how I will be able to live in a world where people like me aren't accepted?" I felt the tears run down my face. Her eyes widened.

"Kevin, you're sure now?" She whispers.

"Why wouldn't I be sure after I told you that I was in love with Edd?" I yell, looking down at the floor, clenching my fists. Moments of silence passed, and I calmed myself down.

"Nazz, I didn't want to hurt you-" I start but she cuts me off.

"Oh really? Is that why you said you loved me even though you really didn't?"

"Nazz, I wanted to love you. I thought it would feel right." I clenched my hat.

"You thought it would feel right? What am I, your test dummy? I tried so hard for you and you threw me away-"

"Is that what you fucking think? That I fucking threw you away? Are you serious? I was confused about my sexuality, going through mental Hell, and you're too busy worried about whether or not I threw you away? You knew I was having issues, and you go ahead and accuse me of that? Do you really love me or yourself?" I stared at her tear stained face, waiting for a response.

"Of course I love you, Kevin." She whispers, looking away.

"If you really loved me, then you would have understood. You would have helped me through it." I whisper back. She just stares at the floor, not saying a word to me.

"Nazz." She looks up in response.

"Does my sexuality disgust you?" I ask honestly and full heartily.

"Uh, I'm not really sure, honestly. I always thought it was something I did. Like maybe I wasn't feminine enough or whatever." She said, putting her hand against her forehead and leaning against the counter.

Two Types of Chemistry (Kevedd)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt