Breakfast Secrets

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-Edd P.O.V.-

The blinding sun shone through the cracks of the curtains, slowly waking me up. I yawn and stretch out my legs, adjusting them from being still for such a long time. I opened my eyes to see Kevin looking down at me, smiling.

Is this a dream?

"Good mornin'." Kevin mutters in a sleepy voice.

"How'd ya sleep?" He says again, rubbing his eye.

"What is the time of day?" I ask him.

He pushes up the sleeve of his grey sweatshirt to look at his bright orange.

"Ahh... heh.. it's 8:30." He laughs a little bit.

I spring up from his lap, which I was laying my head on.

"Good lord! We're terribly late!" I say in worry.

As I was about to get up, Kevin wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me onto the couch in a spooning position.

"We aren't going to school, Edd." He mumbles to me.

"What on earth are you talking about?" I question him.

"We're not going to school. You've been through enough yesterday. You're taking a break today." He says to me, tightening his grip around me.

"Keviiiiiiin." I whine.

"Don't Keviiiiiin me." He grumbles.

I sigh.

"I don't have much of a choice do I?" I ask him.

"Nope." He says, leaning over and kisses me on the cheek.

I giggle to his kiss, since it tickled my face.

"Hey, turn and face me." He commands.

I do as he says and flip over to my other side so I can be face to face with him. I look into his deep forest green eyes that brighten in the sunlight.

"Your eyes are so beautiful, Edd." He says to me, rubbing my cheek. I blush a little and look away from him.

How do you manage to read my mind?

He pulls my face towards him and he kisses me. He deepens the kiss and moves his hand under my jaw and to the back of my neck, sending a shock wave of goosebumps throughout my body. He moves his hand to the back of my head and accidentally pushes off my hat.

Oh dear!

I quickly break the kiss and sit up, rushing to put my hat back on.

"Are you okay?" He asks me.

"Umm..." I start but don't know what to say.

-Kevin P.O.V.-

He looked so scared, scared for his life.

Oh god. Did I go too far?

"I'm fine." He gulps. "My uh, hat just fell off." He stumbles over his words.

"Ya know, you don't have to wear your hat all the time around me." I tell him with a sweet smile.

He looks away from me.

Now I made him uncomfortable. Nice going dumbass.

I sit up and scoot next to him. I cup my hands around his face, looking into his eyes as he stares back at me.

Whatever you're hiding under you hat, I'll accept wholeheartedly." I say to him.

He looks down at my lap and doesn't respond. I put my hands at the rim of his hat as he closes his eyes, flinching a little.

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