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-Edd P.O.V .-

The thanksgiving break ended and today's our first day back, along with the preparation for midterms with the smell of stress throughout the building. This year, I am going to do something different. I am going to be as calm as I can be, while sticking to my studying schedule, acing my tests with flying colors.

I opened my locker to pull out my packed lunch before I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Hey Babe." Kevin said, leaving a kiss on my cheek.

"Good afternoon, Kevin." I said sweetly.

He rested his head on my shoulder, his red hat rubbing against mine, as I continued to face my locker.

"I have a favor." He said to me in a low husky tone that sent chills down my back, making me really want to know what this favor is.

"Mmmm...? What is it?" I hummed.

"Do you think you can help me with some chemistry before midterms? Ya'know to uh," He leans in closer to my ear, "freshen up." He whispers in a yet again in that husky tone.

For once in my life I was really hoping this would lead to the other type of chemistry. It would sure take some of my stress away.

"Uh, yeah." I say in a shaky voice. "What topics in particular?"

He kisses my neck a bit before answering me. They were warm, soft, presses of moist lips against my skin.

"All of it." He whispers quickly.

"Oh that's-" But then I realized what he said.

I quickly turn around and look him in the eyes, faces a few inches away from each other.

"All of it?" I growl.

Why is he neglecting his responsibilities?!

"Babe, Babe, please don't get mad. I've been distracted lately." He says, grabbing my wrists that are by my sides, trying to calm me down a little bit.

"What has been soooo distracting?!" I asked with some sass, raising my voice a little bit. Of the Eds' I'm definitely the one to give some sass when irritated, then followed by some sarcasm.

"You." He says sweetly, batting his emerald green eyes a bit before engulfing me in an intoxicating kiss that leaves me weak in the knees.

I blush and look away from way-too-attractive-to-even-function face.

"Nice save. And fine, I'll help." I say with sass again, wanting him to know that I was still upset about his responsibilities.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." He chants, pulling me into a hug and lifting me off the ground like Ed would. "I looooooove youuuu." He says before putting me down.

"I love you too, dear." I said before closing and locking my locker, then heading to the cafeteria. "But you need to study." I say not looking back at him behind me."Alright." He said before giving me a swift hit to my behind, making me yelp and blush.

"Hey!" Yelled a voice from across the hall. "None of that in the home of the peach!"

"Sorry, Mr. Cauldfield!" Kevin yells to him before taking my hand and pulling me into the cafeteria.

He pulls me over to wear I usually sit with Ed and Eddy. The last row of tables in the very back of the cafeteria next to a couple of windows. At the table sat Ed, Eddy, Nazz, who's probably going to sit there for a while due to her new, blooming relationship with Eddy, and Nathan. I'm not particularly sure why Nathan is at our table, but I'm not complaining, new company is always nice.

Two Types of Chemistry (Kevedd)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora