Chapter 2- Papyrus

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Instantly, as Sans exited his room, he was greeted by living embodiment of energy and productivity, the complete antithesis of himself. Papyrus is incredibly tall, by monster standards, with an eccentric personality. Ever since he was a baby bones, Papyrus upheld a cheery disposition and an overwhelming belief in the ability of others and himself.

Sans was no exception to this rule and despite Sans' lazy and unproductive characteristics, Papyrus always believed that his brother could do a many great things, mainly in the fields of science and technology. However, Sans had been acting exponentially lethargic as the day go by and despite Papyrus' many attempts to encourage Sans... nothing seemed to be working...

Little did Papyrus know, that it was worse than he ever could have imagined.

Papyrus stood, perched on the top of the stairs in his brilliant white battle body, with yellow accents that lined every edge of the costume. A beautifuly contrasting blood red cape flowed behind him to match his shin length scarlet combat boots and golves. Most monsters would have scoffed and believed Papyrus was nothing more than an adult with a child's mind, but his battle technique and dedication was far from it. He showed ever growing determination to achieve his goal. To finally join the 'Royal Guard'.

The tallers "battle body" was nothing more than a homemade costume Sans had made for him around 4 years ago for a Halloween party. However his counterpart appreciated  greatly the effort it took to make. So, naturally, he now wore it most days for training. The stunning cape was actually a  hand made over sized scarf. The soft, delicate fabric was carefully sewn and knitted as a gift for Christmas , Papyrus actually cried when he opened it, he always was the soppy one.

"Good morning Sans! How are you on this fine morning !?"

Still groggy and exhausted from his premature awakening, Sans took a moment to register the question before replying.

"I'm good, thanks Pap..."

Papyrus was rather skeptical as he took note of the deep bags below his brothers eye sockets, his horse voice, and the remaining sweat on his brow. He couldn't help but worry but played along with his siblings charade. He was determined to ask his brother later about his ever growing sock piles and the garbage dump he called a room...just not right now. He needed Sans to be fully awake before inquiring about that.

"Well breakfast spaghetti is waiting for you down stairs, dear brother !"
The youngest exclaimed in an attempt to hide his worry.

"Thanks Pap, I'll be down soon. I'm just going to take a shower."Sans replied, ignorant of the others concern, he forced his grin up a little more while readied one of his newest jokes.

"Hey Pap, be careful around those stairs."

"Whatever for brother, is there a lose board?!"
He was completely oblivious to the upcoming punch line.

"I just don't trust them Papy..."
The grin on the shorter skeleton grew genuine for a moment as realization hit Papyrus in the face, his once confused look turning to one of mild anger and annoyance.


"Because they're always up to something !"

In disbelief and anger, Papyrus descended the stairs to retreat in to the kitchen, as his brother fell in to fits of laughter.

The second Pap left Sans' giggles suppressed themselves and the forced grin fell, that last thing he wanted was to upset Papyrus, to see Pap as depressed and hopeless as himself would be a soul shattering moment.

So for him, he would wear this comic mask.

The Comedians Mask -Undertale *Discontinued For Now*Where stories live. Discover now