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- "And then he said I love you. Really? Who even does that?" you were drunk at a bar, rambling to some guy beside you and the bartender. "Refill please" you pointed out the empty glass in front of you.

- "Sweetheart, I think you've had enough".

- "I'll have enough when I say I have enough" you glared at him. "Refill please". He grabbed the bottle of Jack Daniels and poured you another glass. Probably the fifth or sixth by now.

- "So, wanna get out of here?" the man next to you ran his hand behind your back.

- "What? No!" you exclaimed. "As I was saying, who the hell does that? Why do you have to love people or something?".

Another hunter told Ellen where you were and luckily, Dean was near enough to keep an eye on you. She knew there was a reason why you had been hidden for a while now and if you were a mess, chances were some douchebag was going to take advantage of that. 

The oldest Winchester wasn't having a good time either but he wasn't going to let anything happen to you so once Ellen asked him the favour, he grabbed Baby and started searching around town for you.
 He saw your car parked outside some crappy bar and even from where he was, he could smell trouble. 

Entering the place to find you sitting with some guy who was pretty much all over you, he gritted his teeth as he realized the asshole was desperately trying to get into your pants.

- "I think you need to leave now" Dean approached your side.

- "Dean!" you drunkly exclaimed "I was just talking about you" you chuckled.

- "This is the dumbass that broke your heart, sweetie?" the guy came onto you, pretending to be nice but even in your state, you knew better. You immediately moved away.

- "Come on (Y/N), let's go" Dean grabbed your arm but you yanked him away.

- "No, I don't want to go with neither of you" you stepped out of your stool and if it weren't for Dean, your face would had hit the ground in seconds. You were wasted.

- "Look, she doesn't want you and besides, come on man, she's a skank. Let me have her just a few minutes in the car and then she's all yours". 

Dean didn't think twice and punched him right in the face. You tried to take him off the guy since you saw in his eyes he was actually prepared to kill him. He was beating the hell out of him until the bartender stepped in and kicked you both out of the bar. You started walking out of the place as fast as your legs were letting you, you wanted to be as far away from him as you could. 
Why was he here anyway?

- "You shouldn't have come here" you snapped at him, your world spinning and your legs couldn't keep you standing up. "I didn't mean to bruise your ego but I thought leaving sent you a pretty crystal clear idea about not wanting anything to do with you".

- "Is this what you ditched me for?" he dried the blood from his lip, completely ignoring your hurtful words. "Flirting with douchbags that only want to get in your pants, drinking until you pass out. Come on, (Y/N), this isn't you". His voice was cracked but you could sense a bit of anger too.

- "The hell it is. You don't fucking know me, Dean. Stop acting like you do because you don't".

- "Yeah, I do. I can see right through you, I've been there myself and I can tell you are scared. You love me as much as I love you but you are so scared to death you don't even want to try".

- "You fell in love with an attitude, Dean. Don't you see? This isn't me. I'm sorry, I know you thought you'd change me but you didn't. I don't trip and fall, I don't want an apple candy life. I don't love you". 
Tears began filling your eyes as you said those last words. Dean shook his head in disbelief. 
"Just back off" you walked right pass him but he yanked your arm, pressing his lips with yours, wrapping you in his arms. You were taken off guard a little and as you pulled away, your stare was stuck to his.

- "Look at me in the eyes and tell me you don't mean that. Tell me you don't love me" he dared you, his eyes were a little watery too.

- "I don't love you" you whispered releasing yourself from his grip and getting in your car.

Back on the road, you were way too drunk to drive but the adrenaline and sadness on your body, didn't let you think straight. Luckily, you managed to reach your motel in one piece. You grabbed two sleeping pills from your bag and took them with a bit of whiskey that was left from yesterday's bottle. You wanted to be out for as long as you could, you didn't want to feel a goddamn thing anymore.

Perfectly Reckless (Dean x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now