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The brothers finally found the spirit that was killing these people but since the body had been cremated, that only meant he was still attached to something and needed to find it soon. Apparently, the man worked at an antique store from the late 1960's and once he died, everything was stored in one big ass warehouse. 

They had a lot of work to do, it almost felt like finding a needle in a haystack. 

You spent the day doing research for them, searching for an object you weren't quite sure if it was the one was clearly a waste of time. Dean started calling you to let you know the three of them were about to enter the place but your signal sucked and it went directly to voice mail. He hesitated in entering since you really needed to know Jo's every move but he figured nothing could happened. 

They didn't even know where to start, things were piled up in what it looked like a thousand boxes full of stuff so they started checking them out, one by one. Anything that could be remotely suspicious, they'd burn it.

After a while of research at the local library you came across a story behind one of his paintings. It was a portrait of his daughter who had died of a rare disease when she was just 4 years old. It had to be it.

Stepping to your car, your phone started buzzing and the thousand miscalls were seen. 

You called both of the brothers to let them know the item they were actually looking for as you did your best to reach the place as soon as possible but neither of them was answering. Nerves started creeping in. 

- "Hey guys, isn't this the clock he's wearing in that picture from the paper?" Sam stated.

- "No idea but burn it, we're not taking any risks" Jo replied with a smile. As he made his way to the burning fire, he was abruptly thrown to one of the walls leaving him unconscious in just a matter of seconds.

- "Sammy!" Dean exclaimed taking his gunshot out and running to check on him. 

- "Dean, watch out!" Jo tried to warn him as the spirit appeared right behind him but it was too late, he started strangling him until he passed out to full blackness. 

- "Come here, you son of a bitch" Jo yelled with full tears in her eyes. You entered the place to see Dean and Sam passed out and it made your blood start boiling. The spirit came onto to Jo but you managed to reach him and shot him, making him dissapear for a while. 

You asked her to help you find the painting but she wasn't listening, vengance was on her eyes, she just wanted to fight him. Throwing everything behind you and moving one hell of a dressed by yourself, you found the painting just in time before he got you. As the blazing fire began burning the paint, the spirit burned as well until he was nothing but dust.

- "First lesson of the hunting world little girl, you fucking watch out your partner's back" you came onto Jo extremely mad at her for not caring about Sam and Dean at all and having her mind set to hurt the creature instead of actually finish the job. You passed right by her side as you went to check on Dean who was just finally waking up, so was Sam, still grabbing his head from the hit.

- "This is so typical of you, acting all super-girl.. We didn't need you, you know?" she crossed her arms, she was a sack full of nerves, you could tell this was all bluff but you were mad, raging mad. Dean was almost killed because of her stupid little insecurities and that, was your limit.

- "Are you fucking serious right now?" you were about to come onto her, the rage in your eyes even scared her a little making her take a step behind.

- "(Y/N), it's okay" Dean assured you trying to calm you down, his voice a little rougher, still complaining about the pain over his body.

- "No, it's not okay. What the hell were you thinking? You think you're a hunter just because you load a gun and do some research? What if any of them got killed? That was definitely on you".

- "I thought I was..." she began explaining herself but you shut her up as you passed Dean's arm over your shoulder and helped him stand up.

- "No, that's the whole point of it. You weren't thinking, you were just thinking about your stupid little act you have going on here that we all pretend to be a part of so we don't hurt your feelings. Well, I'm done with it". You looked for your pocket and tossed her the keys of your car. "Help Sam and drive him to the motel". Jo's eyes stucked in the ground, doing her best not to breakdown right now. She kneeled and helped Sam to the car.

You placed Dean on the passanger seat of the Impala before you headed to the driver's seat. "Sorry, I know you don't like anyone driving her but considering...".

- "But you don't like anyone driving your car either" he narrowed his eyes in confussion, then a little smirk was showing on his face. You were putting him first, you were worried to death about him and now you were putting his feelings and well being before you. Yeah, you were breaking your rules.

- "Shut up" you rolled your eyes cracking a little smile.

Entering the motel room, he sat on the bed with pain all over his body. You gave him a few pain killers and an ice pack for his shoulder. You kneeled to meet his eyes, a bit more calmed, a bit more like yourself.

- "Are you okay?" you cupped his cheek.

- "I'm okay. You don't need to worry about me". You took a deep breath, wrapping your arms around him, somehow the fear of losing him came creeping like one of your worst nightmares.

- "Think I was a little harsh on her?" your head still resting in his chest, his chin on your head, his hand passing through your hair.

- "I think she needed some tough love to help her open her eyes" he pulled you away a little to meet your gaze. "Though, I'll admit that was kinda hot. Seeing you all angry and bossy" he smirked and you hit him playfully on his other arm. "I'll talk to her while you help Sam, there's some things I want her to know". 

Dean knocked the door and asked Sam to leave you two alone, apparently the youngest Winchester was actually looking forward talking to you privately. 

- "Dean... I'm so sorry" Jo said as he approached her and sat on the egde of the bed with her. "I never thought I'd suck this much at hunting". He cracked a smile.

- "I'm kinda glad you do" she narrowed her eyes in confusion. "You aren't meant for this life Jo, that's why you suck and that's why you should be happy about it. You can finally move on from all this crap".

- "But our parents were hunters Dean, aren't we supposed to follow their steps?" she had a few tears comming down her face.

- "For some of us, yeah... You remind me a lot to Sam. Sure he's all in now but he wasn't meant for this, he deserves so much more than crappy motel rooms and danger".

- "What about (Y/N)? She sure as hell was born to do it".

- "To (Y/N) and I, hunting just became a way to cope with all the crap we've been through" he smiled to her. "You don't want this for yourself. Go to college, get you one of those pretty boys and marry him. Be happy. Be safe". 

- "Even if I considered going to college, I'm broke, I couldn't even afford it" she chuckled, drying the tears from her eyes. 

- "Talk to your mom, trust me" he smiled, placing his hand over her knee as she finally came to terms to the fact that Dean and her were going to be friends and nothing else.

Sam was a little more beaten up than Dean. He had a little wound by his eyebrow that needed to be patched up and one hell of a hit on his head. You handed him pain killers and started setting the aid kit to patch him up. Silence took over the room. You hadn't got a chance to actually talk nor meet and he looked like he had a whole bunch of things he wanted to say to your face. Somewhere in between anger and worry was the way he was feeling.

- "This will hurt a little" you gave him a heads up as you started cleaning up the wound.

- "It's fine" he gruffed. 

The tension in the room was making it even harder to breath, there was definitely something that was bothering him the hell out of you and you weren't going to walk out of the room until you figure it out.

Finishing him up, you grabbed a chair and sat in front of him.

Perfectly Reckless (Dean x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum