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Waking up to the sound of your phone ringing, you had your face pressed against the window, the pain in your neck was killing you already.

- "Hello?" you said in the most sleepy voice you could possible pull off. It was Ellen.

- "Hey, stranger. What are you girls up to? I made breakfast for the three of us".

- "What?" you asked confused "Jo isn't with you?".

- "(Y/N), she's not with you either?" the tone in her voice changed, she was so worried.

- "We had a fight last night over Dean, she got way too jealous and we said some awfull things too each other".

- "That damn Winchester, if I find him I'm gonna cut off his b..."

- "He did nothing, Ellen" you stopped her "seriously, he was actually great with her but she just wouldn't have it any other way" you turned the engine on. "Look, let me find her, don't worry. I'll call you".

- "I trust you (Y/N)".

You sighed as you hit the road. You needed a shower, you needed a coffee, you needed to think about Dean just because, you did not needed to play babysitter, at least not this early in the morning. 

- "Do we really needed to get to work that soon?" Dean was still complaining as he was taking the bags and guns out from the trunk of the Impala.

- "Aww, are you missing her already?" Sam teased him, Dean rolled his eyes. "Come on man, this is probably just a salt & burn it, we'll be back as soon as possible and you'll get to see her again". 

The boys were working again since Sam had found a case in a small town, a few miles away from the bar. They were just settling their stuff in, when they heard a knock on the door of their motel room. Dean looked at the peep hole and found a surprising visiter.

- "Jo... what are you doing here?" Dean asked confussed.

- "Hello to you too Dean" she said tapping his shoulder and letting herself in without permission. 

- "Does your mother even know you're here?" Sam asked not understanding a damn thing.

- "Told her I was going to Vegas" she smirked as she placed her bags on the floor. The brothers sharing concerned looks.

- "You know, you shouldn't lie to your mom. Shouldn't be here either" Dean shook his head, grabbing his phone. He knew this was just some kind of rebel act she was having right now but this wasn't what they needed right now. Not on a hunt.

- "You are not calling her" she was furious. Dean's phone started ringing. "I swear to God Dean if that's her and you tell her, I'm leaving" she yelled as he stepped outside to answer the call.

- "Jo, she has to know you are here" Sam stated. "At least call your sister".

- "She is not my...". 

Luckily for you, your instinct completely predicted she was going after Dean so you decided it was best to check on him first. He smiled when he noticed it was you.

- "Hey there". God, you missed his voice already, you took a deep breath. What is it with this guy that had you all blushed in just a second?

 "Hey you" he could hear the smile between your lips.

- "I was just about to call you, we kinda had to leave. Sam found a case" he rested his back on the Impala, looking at the window's motel room he saw Jo looking at him with a killer stare. "but we'll be back soon".

- "I'm actually on the road as well. Tell me something, by any chance is Jo...".

- "Yes, she is. I don't know how she found us, what happened?". You sighed in relief, then the anger came back again. She was really trying to win Dean over by pulling this stuff?

- "I'm telling you man, this generation is ruining everything" you joked pressing your forhead to the steering wheel of your Mustang. He cracked a laugh. "We had a stupid fight over... you know and she just, I don't know. She's freaking out. Where are you? I'll go get her so Ellen won't chop my head off".

- "You are the last person she wants to see right now" he chuckled. "Why don't you come here anyway, keep an eye on her from the distance and I'll take care of her for you. I mean, at least Ellen knows she's with us". You thought about it and it worked, she'd get to have her little movie and you'll get to know she's safe. 

- "Sounds like a plan then" you started the engine.

- "And I get to see you again so...".

- "Winchester, was that your plan all along?".

Dean entered the place and completely made up a story about the call so she wouldn't ask too many questions, Sam of course didn't buy it and thought it was probably you or Ellen calling.

- "Good. Let's hunt this son of a bitch" she said starting to do research.

You called Ellen and calmed her nerves down. She wasn't liking the idea of Jo hunting with the brothers, since her husband died in a hunt with John a few years back but you reassured her that Dean wasn't going to let anything happen and you were going to be just like her shadow. 

The day turned into night and the boys had a few leads on the hunt, it was either a vengeful spirit or a poltergeist but they were getting there. Dean crossed the street to buy some more beers when he noticed that familiar black Mustang parked in the back of the motel. A smile appeared in his lips.

 He got back into the room and headed to the bathroom in an instant.

- "Hey, where are the beers?" Jo asked him but he replied slamming the door shut. She looked a little heartbroken, this wasn't exactly working the way she planned it. She wanted to be around Dean so he could realize she wasn't a kid and he didn't have to see her like the little sister he never had. She wanted to show him she was a grown ass woman herself but Dean's mind was somewhere else.

He came out looking incredibly good, Jo swallowed a small lump she found herself having.

- "You look nice" Sam stated with a grin. "Going out?".

- "Well, since yesterday wasn't the day, I'm planning on making it today" he put his jacket on winking at his brother. 

- "But we are working on a case" Jo intervined. That was the lamest excuse she could possible say.

- "So?" Dean asked narrowing his eyes in confusion.

- "So you're just going to bang some whore in the middle of an investigation?" the tone in her voice was pure jelousy. "There's people dying, Dean". The older Winchester rolled his eyes and walked out of the door not minding her statements. This was way bigger than her little childish acts.

He needed to see you. He hadn't been able to take you off his mind and the thought of having you was making his head spin.

Perfectly Reckless (Dean x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant