“God, what would you guys do if I wasn’t here?” I said jokingly, shaking my head as I tied George’s. 

“Um, not eat, clean, sleep, shower or wear ties. Plus our clothes would be wrinkled.” George tells me. 

“Ew,” I tell him scrunching up my nose. “Ye know, I don’t think you would’ve gotten this far without those things. I guess you could always get another girl to do it.” I say, finishing the tie. 

“Yeah right. I don’t know how ye can stand it anyways. I don’t think anyone could replace ye.” 

“I’m ready!” Ringo says, coming out of the room with a tie in his hand, I turn away from George - not daring to finish the conversation and fix Ringo’s tie quickly, before ducking my way back into the sitting room. Ringo and George follow behind a few seconds. George, Ringo, Paul, John, Mal and Brian all get into one elevator. Leaving Donna, Neil and I in another one, going to the back stage and other employs went to take our stuff to the back and down to the car. 

The boys ended up playing six songs including: She Loves You, This Boy, All My Loving, I Saw Her Standing There, From Me To You and their top hit I Want To Hold Your Hand. The performance was broadcasted live making sure Donna and I kept our volume to a minimum. It turned out to have the same amount of views as their first one had. After they had finished filming, the hotel manger gave us a party. 

The boys - not wanting to be rude - stuck around for awhile, talking and mixing with people who they had no clue who they were. After a while of talking, eating and drinking we were taken out to the cars and on an hour car ride to the beach house. 

“Did we do good?” Ringo asked, tapping his foot nervously as the car started. 

“Brill as always.” Donna told him and like they had every night thanked us for our support. 

“Have you ever been here, Eppy?” George asked, as we got closer to the house. 

“Actually, no. It’s supposed to be extravagant though!” Brian told him, a smile lighting his face

“Will the owner be there?” I asked

“Not at the moment. He’s coming back on our third day I reckon.” Brian told me, and he was right. The place coming towards it was extravagant. Big black gate, that had two different places to stop at with two different codes. The house was big and white, a big staircase leading up to it. The house was expensive obviously, but it had such a simple feeling to it, like you could have a family their, or a fancy dinner party. The shutters were a light blue and the land was mostly sand, a wrap around porch lead you to the back’yard’ which lead you to the beach almost immediately. A pool, hot tub and lawn chairs littered the east side of the backyard. 

Donna and I ran up to pick out rooms, like five year olds just moving into a new house. But the truth is; I felt like it, I had been so accustomed to things and now I’m being treated like a queen, getting things that I could only think of and even not think of. Their was a balcony on five off of five of the rooms, I picked the one looking right out to the middle of the yard and straight to the beach, Donna quickly picked the one under the pool -making jokes of jumping into it the whole time- and the other three were up to fight over fro George, Ringo, Brian and whoever else, even if I did have a strong feeling that George will pick the one overlooking the only garden - and the only nice green vegetation in sight. 

I was up in the bedroom with Paul now, putting things away in our bedroom. The house smelled like fresh sheets and the beach, I loved the air, like every time you breathed it in you relaxed a bit more each time. The room was relaxing too. “So we’re running away tonight, yes?” Paul said picking me up, away from the clothes I was folding and onto the bed. 

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