Today 3/20/12 part 2

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Ok, so far it is boring.. it actualy rained. so yeah... it is raining hard. I really want to go outside right now and just play out there. My brother came in all like "what sound would the dog make if he got struck by lighting" and then he gave some examples and I was like "yelp.." and then i gave him a stupied look. Then he was like "I am gana go see." and i was like crap the dogs chain was made of metal. and my brother robert was like yeah i was thinking to hook his chain up to the dish.. yeah I hope he didn't do it.

anywhos i ate some more ice. texted timmy and brad some more. Dressed up like a super hero and flew around... I am writing chapter 3 of My love for a werewolf. still not posting it. well today is going by so slow. I am bored... Nothing interesting happened. I ate ice. cleaned my room up. I am so bored I am half tempeted to go clean the bathroom.. I clean when I get bored. I also write.. But I do not want to clean the bathroom because every time I do it just gets dirty the next day.. I live with all boys. I am the only one who cleans the bathroom. take time to think about that.. do you think that is all that pretty. no it is discusting.. I used to not mind it.. but geez it's gottin gross. I mean they are so lazy they don't even know how to lift the seat when peeing... Gross. and my dad and his friend smoke in the tub when taking a shower so when they leave there buts in there it get gross. and the smoke stains everything. but truth be told it's probally not as bad as you are imagining it. I mean it's like tow buts and still. No but the rug gets all dirty. and they don't know how to clean up after shaving. AND GEEZ I freeking hate it right after I clean they go and do their bid ness. anywhos and their blankets are in the floor taking up space. You know if I did not wash the towels and blankets they would never get cleaned. I mean all they do is sit there and complain how nothing is cleaned. CLEAN IT YOUR FREAKIN SELF!! no but really I have all my stuff I have my two towels my clothes and thats all I need. I mean they could chip in every now and then.. I am not the freakin maid. Oh, and then I get yelled at for crap I didn't do. or when somthing goes missing it's always my fault because I do the laudry. look I get the towels out of the hamper and put in into the washer I mostly put it into the dryer. but if you do it then techonally It's not my fault if you drop somthing. and then they take it out and set the stuff on the washer. HELLO WE USE THE WASHER Why not if your gana take crap out just put it up were it belongs. I am not the only one who lives here. It's like ever since i learned how to do all this stuff i am the onlly one who knows how to do anything. Anywhos.

I think I might go do the dishes before they pile up, at least my brother and i both do the dishes.

anywhos this is a boring day.. just texting timmy and probally later on texting brad..

Well untill I say part three I am gana go do the dishes and what not... later


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