Part 25

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I couldn't help but wrap the sweat shirt closer to my body. It was coder out than earlier, way colder. Now I could see my breath when I blew out, but luckily having Clyds clothes on allowed me to stay warmer than I would have in my clothes.

I was starting to get annoyed with how my hair kept slapping across my face, blinding me for seconds at a time, and getting stuck between my lips. I kept reaching up to pull the strands down below my face and tucking them behind my ear, but my hair was a rebel.

"Do you want a ride?" Shouted a voice. I looked up from the ground I was once staring at as a way to keep my warmth in. I looked around until I saw a figure walking towards me. I stepped back scared as to who it could be. I know its a man as the voice seemed to deep to be a females, but hey it still could be a female.

I stayed silent as they got closer. It was a man with a little girl in his arms, she was shivering from the cold just like I was. Stranger danger... but he seems like a nice guy. A father that is being kind enough to offer a ride.

"No that's ok, but thank you" I stated as I shook my head slightly, causing my hair to fly away from my ear again and swarm my face.

"Are you sure?" He asked as he opened the back seat of a car next to me.

"Yeah. I don't have much further to go anyhow. Thanks really." I said as I began to walk away. "Have a nice day sir." I said before turning away from him.

"You too" He said before getting into the driver side. I sighed as I realized that I wasn't close to my house at all. I would have to walk about 6 blocks maybe 10?. I haven't been in this area in a while now. They lived on the richer side of town while I lived where I could afford. I wasn't in the dumps but I was in a ok house. It wasn't big like Clark and Clyds house it was a little below an average home. It was a two room, one bathroom, living room, and kitchen.

There was just enough space for the two people living there. my room was just big enough for me to fit a small dresser and a twin bed. The other bedroom was a little bit smaller, I offered to have that one, but no they didn't want me to have it. 

I sigh shaking my head as I remember when we first moved into together. It was a little weird living with my cousin,  but it was better than living at home. 

For some reason I was his favorite cousin out of all my siblings. He said I was special and didn't deserve to be so excluded. He said that he had known that for a long time, but thought I would go to him if I wanted to leave. That changed when my mom called my uncle telling him about how I was found in my room, let just say I was barely breathing. Blake had rushed to the hospital as soon as he found out. He offered me to stay with him in another town away from my siblings, my parents, and the monster. I accepted his offer right away thinking I would get away from the pain, but the monster found me anyhow.

Anyways, when I was well enough to leave the hospital I said goodbye to my parents and left with Blake. He had been staying in a one bedroom apartment but since he was planning to ask me to live with him he had been looking for two bedroom apartments. He finally found one that satisfied our needs. He also convinced my parents to hand custody over to him so that they couldn't force me to go back there. Blake truly cared about me like a brother would, to this day he is the only family member that really cares about me.

He isn't at home a lot, since he is in the army. So I basically live on my own, until he comes home for a few months every once and awhile. That's why he has never found out about the alley way, nor will he ever. He doesn't know how I got so hurt back when he offered me a place to stay and I don't plan on telling him. I don't want him to worry more than he already does.

So no he wasn't the one waiting for me when I get home. It was our yellow lab, Bennie, that was probably laying in front of the window wondering where I was. My big baby boy was probably scared from being alone for so long.

I sighed as I realized how cold I was getting. My fingertips feel like they have turned into nubs as I couldn't feel the tips, my toes felt the same way, and my face felt like needles where prickling my skin. I looked around trying to figure out how far I had to go now, since my walk down memory lane.

"Crap" I whispered as I looked around. I had turned somewhere or something. I down recognize the area at all. I looked at the houses to see they where all pretty nice and fancy looking in some way. The streets where deserted, probably from the cold and the storm that was supposed to be traveling in our direction. 

So while everyone is inside comfy, warm and safe; I'm out here cold, alone, and lost. I should have went straight home after school. I could have been cuddled up on the couch with Bennie, but nooo. Instead I'm out here probably catching a cold not knowing which way to go.


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