Chapter Twenty-Four: The Final Battle Part One

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    DL chuckled at their astonished expressions. "Terrified yet? You should be." 

     Marth gulped harshly, but stepped forward. "You should be terrified. After all, you're the one that's going to die. Right here. Right now." His friends nodded in agreement behind him, stepping forward as well to show their support. 

     "I admire your courage, Prince of Altea, but I don't fear you. I'm half dead already." DL countered. Marth's short statement didn't scare him in the least. His signature smirk played on his lips as his empty eyes stared at the small gathering of people before him. 

     "What do you mean, 'half dead'?" Zelda asked. Her voice was quiet, but it was audible. "I have no soul." He said darkly adding a short chuckle to the end. This was definitely news to the group of heroes and heroines, but it wasn't surprising. 

     "Well, then I guess once we destroy your outer shell there won't even be a soul left to go to hell. Lucky for you." Pit replied snarkily. 

     "Enough chit chat!" A voice boomed suddenly. It was deep and magical. It also held power and authority. DL turned around and tilted his head up to face his master. "My apologies master. We can get on with it now." 

     DL bowed his head and crouched down on one knee. A few moments later he quickly turned and once again faced the silent spectors. 

     "Let it begin. The final battle. The last one. The one that determines who wins, good or evil. Though I'm pretty sure I can already predict the outcome." The short speech ended with the famous spine chilling smirk that seemed to be permanently stuck on DL's dark face. 

     He drew his sword and began taking slow steps forward. The others quickly drew their weapons as well. Tabuu, the master behind it all, observed from the sky. "This ends now." Link said quietly before he ran forward at the dark clone of himself. He swung his sword with such speed and strength that it seemed impossible for him not to land a blow, but DL blocked every single one. Link's friends waited in the background, unsure how to assist. 

     DL let out a short scream as he swung his sword forward harshly. Link blocked the blow just in time, but the blow was powerful enough that it forced him to the ground. DL was just about to bring down his sword and finish Link for good when Ike intervened. He blocked the strike with his sword then forced DL to stumble away from where Link was laying. Zelda of course rushed over to Link and kneeled by his side checking him for major injuries. 

     "I'm fine. I just got the wind knocked out of me." Link promised the concerned Zelda. "Are you sure?" 

     "Yes, I'm sure." He repeated. She smiled softly. "Good." He smiled back as she helped him stand up. Their attention turned to DL who was now in a heated sword duel with both Ike and Marth. He was some how managing not to get hit by either of them. 

     Pit took flight impatiently. He didn't want to stand around any longer. A shower of arrows rained down on DL. He was sure to avoid hitting Ike and Marth. DL saw it coming and quickly held up his shield. The arrows bounced off uselessly. The act wasn't completely useless though. While DL protected himself from the arrows, Ike knocked his sword from his hand and quickly retrieved it. 

     DL's menacing eyes found Ike. "It's over DL. You're finished." Ike said. Without another word he lunged the sword forward, stabbing DL in the stomach. The evil man fell to his knees, though he wasn't dead yet. Ike was about to finish him when someone yelled, "Wait!" All eyes turned to face the source of the voice. Link ran forward. "Let me finish him." He said sternly. Ike just nodded and backed away. Link held up his own sword. 

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