Chapter Seven: A New Alliance

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(A/N) Thanks for reading!

Pit's P.O.V

     When the rest of the group returned and Roy asked what he had missed, we, being Link, Zelda, and I, quickly explained what had gone down. Link asked if I could hang out with them from then on, and to my relief, everyone happily agreed. It would be good to have some real friends. DL wasn't much of a good friend. I mean, the guy practically hypnotized me to do his evil bidding. Thankfully Zelda is a forgiving person. I still feel horrible about it though. 

     I had heard that they were going to the amusement park today and since I was suspended for few days thanks to DL, I thought I'd find them. I finally found Link and Zelda by the Extremer Screamer and saw the whole DL thing go down. Hot, boiling, anger raged through my veins. So, I gave him a piece of my mind, apologized to Zelda, and now I have new friends. Good friends. Ones that I feel I can really trust. 

     I already feel like I've gotten to know these guys pretty well. We already have inside jokes, laughed plenty, and even shared cotton candy! I really wish I would've befriended these guys earlier, but no! I just had to change DL. Sadly, he changed me first. That was probably about my biggest regret in life. I just had to be the nice guy that would change the bully into a good guy. That totally backfired.

     "Let's ride the carousel!" Peach said pointing to it. We had been walking around the park, riding rides that we came to and agreed on. "No! That's such a kid ride!!" Roy immediately objected. "Yeah." All the boys agreed. Except me. I just watched. The girls began to beg and bargain. They all did the pouting lips and wide eyes. Also known as the famous puppy dog face. "FINE!!! But like you said we get to choose the next three rides!" Ike said giving in. The girls jumped up and down in victory. Meanwhile, the rest of the boys began to argue with Ike.

     "Why'd you agree?!" "What do you think you're doing?" "Since when do you get to decide for us?" They all exclaimed angrily at the same time. "It won't be bad! Plus we get to choose the next three rides!" Ike yelled to defend himself over their loud voices.

     The rest of the boys finally agreed. "You're good with this?" Marth asked me. "Yeah. You haven't said anything." Link said. "Yeah. Sure." I said shrugging my shoulders.

     Everyone stared at us. "TAKE A PICTURE! IT LASTS LONGER!!!" Roy yelled at one guy who blushed and immediately looked away. We all burst out laughing. Roy looked irritated at first, but still he cracked a small smile. 

     Soon enough, it was our turn. Link got on a reddish-brown mare that reminded him of Epona, Zelda was on a white stallion, Peach got on a Zebra, Samus climbed on a dragon looking thing, Marth got on a tiger, Roy and Ike got in the teacup that you can spin, and I got on a swan. Before the ride had even started Roy and Ike started to spin the teacup. They were already spinning fast as the ride started. I could not handle that. When I get super dizzy I get head aches. 

     At first I looked back to watch them, but even observing made me dizzy. I turned to face forward to enjoy the ride. What was there to enjoy? We were going in a circle at probably less than five miles per hour, and going up and down rhythmetically. Honestly, I could fall asleep. 

     I heard Ike and Roy began to call out as they started to get dizzy. To me, it looked basically like a spinning blur of red and blue. Would they be up for roller coasters after this? Soon the carousel slowed even more. I wasn't sure if that was possible until now. Then it stopped. I estimated that the total time elapsed was probably two to three minutes.

     Everyone hopped off of their animals. We all gathered around the teacup looking thing. Both Ike and Roy's eyes were closed and their heads lolled back. Ike groaned and clasped his hand to his head. "So dizzy." Roy muttered letting out a breath. We opened the little door and us guys had to help the two out. We had to support them on our shoulders so they could walk. I was in the middle and Link went on Ike's other side while Marth went on Roy's other side. We slowly made our way off the ride and out the exit gate plopping them down on a nearby bench. 

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