Chapter Sixteen: Recruits

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     The group headed inside. They decided to make a stand where people could volunteer to help them. The set up a table and made a sign. It read, "Skilled Fighters Needed for Battle." They had decided to keep it simple and give more details to anyone who showed up. 

     Samus, Peach, Malon, and Pit's girlfriend Nyssa were sitting behind the table. Each had a sign up sheet in front of them and a pen. The men went to the practice battlefield to go ask people. The girls called and texted Zelda multiple times while they waited for people to show up. 

     The first to approach them were two men. Each had overalls and hats. One had a green hat with a 'L' on it and the other had a red one with a 'M' on it. "What is this?" The one in red asked. He had an Italian accent. "Mario, Luigi?" Peach asked surprised. "Princess Peach!" Luigi exclaimed. Samus stood up. "We are asking for volunteers to help us fight against a force trying to attack Hyrule." She said answering their previous question. "What kind of force?" Mario asked. Samus looked to Malon for an explanation. "Well, we aren't completely sure, but I think an army from the shadow realm might be involved. All we know is it's going to be dark forces and we need as much help as we can get." 

     Mario turned to Luigi. They whispered to each other. "It would be a great help." Peach added. They looked at her pleading eyes then whispered for a moment more. "We'll join." Mario finally said with Luigi nodding at his side. Everyone repeatedly thanked them as they signed one of the sheets. On the sheet it had a column for their numbers. They left them so they could be contacted once everyone was ready to set off for Hyrule. "Expect to leave anytime from now to tomorrow moring. Try to prepare and get some rest." Nyssa advised them wisely. They all thanked the brothers one last time before they left. 

     Some time passed, but finally another person showed. It was a small pink ball with big blue eyes, long feet, short arms, and a big mouth. "Hello. Would you like to sign up to assist us in a fight to defend Hyrule?" Samus asked the new visitor. "Well that depends. What are we fighting against?" It asked. Once again Malon explained that they didn't know for sure, but what it might be. "Hmm." It hummed as it thought about it. "You know what! I will." It said. "Thank you soooo much!" Peach exclaimed handing it the pen. He signed her sheet. They all looked at it. "Thank you Kirby. We'll contact you soon. Please do whatever preparations and get some rest." They told him. He left. 

      As time passed, they recruited more people. A small green dinosaur named Yoshi, a set of twins dressed like eskimos that called themselves Ice Climbers, another pink ball like creature bigger than Kirby named Jiggly Puff, two boys, one named Ness and the other named Lucas, a man that was literally all black and moved like a robot called Mr. Game and Watch, a guy in a space suit followed by a trail of creatures name Olimar, he told him the creatures were called Pikmin, a yellow creature that reminded them of a cat with electric abilities named Pikachu, a blue cat like creature named Lucario, a gorilla named Donkey Kong, and a monkey named Diddy Kong. 

      Once the boys returned the girls showed them their sign up sheets. "That's pretty good." Marth said with a nod. "We got some too." Pit added holding up there own list. Ike explained all the people they found. A trainer that trained different Pokemon offered the assistance of three of them. Charizard, Squirtle, and Ivysaur, though he just signed as Pokemon Trainer. They also found a muscular captain named Captain Falcon, a gray wolf named Wolf, a blue bird named Falco, and fox named Fox, and a really fast, blue, hedgehog named Sonic.

     "So we have twenty people, plus us, some of Lady Palutena's centurions, and some of Marth's soldiers. Not too bad." Roy said listing the people off his fingers. "And if we could just get a hold of Zelda, I'm sure her dad would use their forces. "If we can't get a hold of her, we'll just have to get to Hyrule first and warn her." Malon suggested. Everyone agreed.

     "I would say we should leave now, but it's getting late. Let's leave first thing tomorrow." Ike said. Everyone agreed. They texted everyone who had signed up that they would be leaving early tomorrow and to get some rest. They were all exhausted and decided to get some sleep of their own. 

(A/N) Short chapter. Yes, I know that still doesn't include all the SSBB characters, but who knows, they may just be on the evil side. ;) Thanks for reading as usual! Please vote, comment, and follow me! 


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