Chapter Eleven: Hyrule

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(A/N) Enjoy the chapter!

    "Zelda." The king greeted warmly as he engulfed his daughter in a tight hug. "I missed you, father." She replied into her father's shoulder. The king chuckled happily. "Come dear, I'm sure you can't wait to get unpacked and relax." He said putting an arm over her shoulder as he lead them inside. Zelda just agreed. 

     She was really happy to be home. The whole car ride she thought about home and also that kiss. That kiss with Link. A small smile played on her lips at the very thought. She would definitely call him while she went through the boredom of unpacking.

     She parted with her father to return to her room. Most of the clothes she threw in a pile in a laundry basket, but some of the stuff that had been washed recently she began to hang back up. She called Link. He picked up on the second ring. 

     "Hey." He answered. 

     "Hey. How are you?" Zelda asked. 

     "Good. What about you?" He responded. 

     "Good. I just got home and now I'm starting to unpack. Where are you at?" She asked hanging up some shirts. 

    "That's good. I just got home a little bit ago. I'm unpacking most things, and repacking other things sense I'll be staying in Altea with Marth, Ike, and Samus for most of the break." He answered. 

     Zelda smiled even though Link couldn't see her. "That's good."

     "Have you been thinking about it?" He asked abruptly. 

     "About what?" She asked confused walking over to her phone that was set on her bed and on speaker. 

     "The kiss..." He said quietly. She blushed. 

    "Yes..." She said quietly. 

    "Me too." Link replied so quiet she almost didn't hear him. 

     "Zelda!!" A voice called through the closed door. 

     "Yes?" She called back. 

    "Will you come speak with me in my study? There is something I have to tell you." Her father's voice replied. 

     "Yes, father." She agreed before turning back to her phone. "Hey, Link." 

     "Yeah?" He asked. 

     "I have to go. My father needs to speak with me. I'll call you later tonight, okay?" She promised. 

     "Okay, bye." He agreed. 

     "Bye." She said and hung up. 

     She walked out of her room and to her father's study. She knocked. "Come in." His voice called. She opened one of the oak double doors and stepped in closing it behind her. The King was sitting behind his desk. She took a seat in one of the two arm chairs placed in front of it. 

     "You wanted to speak with me?" She asked curiously. 

     "Yes." He confirmed. "You see, I have invited another royal family over for Thanks Giving." 

    "That's wonderful father." Zelda said enthusiastically. She didn't mind another family being over for the holiday. 

     "There's more. They have a son. Your age. I think you'll like him." He said with a small grin. "Pardon?" Zelda asked slightly alarmed. "His name is Richard. He's quite a gentleman. Surely a good suitor for you dear." The king continued casually. "Suitor?!" Zelda choked out. "Yes is there something wrong dear?" He asked with deep concern in his tone. "I have to...excuse me." She said abruptly and stood to leave. 

     "Zelda?!" Her father called suddenly as alarmed as her. He stood as well. She quickly walked out of the study and briskly to her room. She closed the door behind her. 

     Her head was spinning. She felt a headache coming on. A suitor? How could this happen! 

     Her head snapped to the door as she heard hurried foot steps coming down the hall. She ran to the door and locked it. She wasn't in the mood to talk right now. 

      Her dad tried to turn the door knob, but failed. He knocked loudly. "Zelda?! What's going on in there?" He called out, the concern obvious in his voice. She tried to reply, but no words came. "Zelda!!" He called again. This time more urgently. Still, no words came out. 

     His foot steps retreated. She couldn't do anything, but sit down at the edge of her bed. 

     Footsteps returned. Somebody was fumbling with something in the door. The lock clicked. He had gotten a key. Her father threw the door open to find Zelda sitting on the edge of her bed staring into space. "Zelda?" He asked worriedly running to her side. No response. "What's wrong?" He asked. Still no response. 

     He sat next to her on the edge of the bed. "Is this about...the family that's coming?" He asked. Zelda snapped out of it. "A suitor?" She asked in a tiny voice. "Yes. And don't worry, the wedding wouldn't be until after you finished school. That would give you two plenty of time to get to know each other." "But..." She intervened quietly. "But what, Zelda?" He asked. 

     She drew in a deep breath. "Father, I was going to tell you at dinner...I'm seeing someone." She said quietly, but he heard. His expression hardened. "What?" He asked. "I met someone at school she said quietly. He stood. "You met someone?!" He shouted angrily. "Well yes. His name is Link and he's super sweet, kind, handsome, smart, and best of all he likes me for me. Not because I'm a princess. Oh, and he's a Hylian too." Zelda rambled happily. Until she saw her father's face. 

     His face had changed to a red color and his expression was hard and angry. "You have to end it." He said between clenched teeth. "WHAT?! NO!!" Zelda objected standing up. "DON'T SAY NO TO ME ZELDA! I'M YOUR FATHER!!" He roared angrily. "I won't do it." She refused shakily. "DON'T DISOBEY ME ZELDA!!!" He yelled his face turning a darker red. "NO!! I LIKE LINK!! I'M NOT GOING TO END IT TO MARRY SOMEBODY I DON'T EVEN LIKE!!!" She yelled back. With one swift motion the back of his hand collided with her face. She fell back onto her bed. "You will end it. That's final." He said sternly. His voice slightly calmer, but still angry. He left slamming the door hard behind him. 

     Her shoulders shook as she began to sob. 

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