Chapter One Hundred Ten

Start from the beginning

Zayn comes back into the room this time carrying Chloe, who looks like she's been crying and Liam pouts as he helps Bella finish her drawing, but he's celebrating on the inside, because now there's a baby shield again. "Are you okay? You're acting weird" Zayn asks, moving past Liam to heat up a bottle for Chloe, "I-I'm fine" Liam insists, and Zayn turns to raise an eyebrow at the man, "uhuh" he mumbles unconvinced. "Hey Bella-Bug, I put a movie on for you in the other room, why don't you go watch it, Daddy and I will be in soon" Zayn says suddenly and Bella jumps up and runs out of the room. Liam watches her go and frowns, Zayn's onto him, and is going to kill him. "So do you want to tell me what you did now, or...?" Zayn trails off and Liam swallows thickly "w-what do you mean?" he stutters, cursing himself quickly. Zayn arches another eyebrow as he leans against the counter to feed Chloe, "so you definitely did do something, then" he muses. Liam frowns, "everything's fine Zayn" he answers in a tone he usually only uses in his office, and of course his husband sees right through him, "I'll be in the other room watching a movie with our children, when you're ready to tell me the truth you can join us" Zayn smirks before he moves past Liam again into the living room, and he can hear Bella calling his name excitedly.

Liam groans and lets his head fall against the table with a thump, Zayn knows something is up, and Liam needs to pull it together and just tell him before he pisses the younger off even more. Liam moves to the doorway so he can watch Zayn as he cuddles Choe to his chest and Bella rests her head on his shoulder, eyes on the movie that Liam doesn't recognize. Bella glances to him and smiles, "Daddy come watch" she insists and he smiles moving slowly into the room and sitting on the opposite couch from Zayn. This makes Bella frown and she shakes her head, "no Daddy, sit with Baba" she pouts, pointing to the empty space on Zayn's other side. Liam gets up and moves towards Zayn slowly, watching his husband closely for any indication he doesn't want him to, when he finds nothing he drops onto the couch beside Zayn, who huffs, "when this movie is over, I'm putting all three of the kids down for a nap and you and I are gonna talk" Zayn murmurs. Liam just nods, because he knows he has to tell Zayn, and sooner than later.

True to his word, as soon as the movie ends Zayn carries the twins upstairs with Bella trailing behind tiredly, Liam knows that this is it, when Zayn come back downstairs he's going to have to tell him. Zayn's back a moment later, and Liam frowns, "alright Payne, spill" Zayn says in his stern Baba voice, that apparently works as well on Liam as it does on Bella. Liam averts his gaze from Zayn's face, "so I called Bella's school, as you know, about what happened and after getting nowhere for forty minutes I may have told them Bellawon'tbecomingbackever" Liam explains, smushing all the words together at the end hoping Zayn won't understand him. But apparently luck isn't on his side, as Zayn's eyebrows shoot up "you what?!" he shouts and Liam flinches. "Liam James Malik-Payne, what the hell?" Zayn asks and Liam sighs, "look I know okay, and I should have talked about it with you first, but the supervisor was talking in a circle, and then she made a comment about Bella that I didn't like. So I just reacted, and pulled her out. I'm sorry Zayn" he murmurs. Zayn's eyes soften slightly and he steps closer to Liam, taking his hand in his own, "what did she say about Bella?" he asks gently. Liam frowns, because he knows Zayn won't like it either, "that maybe if she had the right parents Bella wouldn't be so disruptive" Liam mumbles. Zayn's eyes flash with anger again, but this time Liam knows it's not with him, "what the hell does that mean?" Zayn asks and Liam shrugs. He has an idea what she meant by it, but isn't really sure, "so because we're both men, Bella isn't normal?" Zayn asks and Liam frowns, "I don't know babe. But it doesn't matter, she doesn't have to go back there, and neither do we. We'll find somewhere better for Bella to go, okay?" he soothes. Zayn sighs, nodding, "I'm still upset with you too just so you know" he mutters and Liam chuckles kissing Zayn's jaw, "I know" he murmurs.

"So I've decided" Zayn starts a few moments of quiet later and Liam frowns, turning to face him, "that I am pissed at you, but I know you did what you did to protect Bella, to protect our family. So because of that, I'm not upset with you anymore" Zayn finishes and Liam can't help the grin that spreads across his face. "But don't think that this gives you a free pass to make stupid decisions without me" Zayn adds sternly, and Liam chuckles nodding, as he feels relief wash over him, "I promise, stupid decisions, only with you from now on" he teases as Zayn rolls his eyes and cuddles into his side. "You know I called Louis, to ask him how to handle this, 'cause I was sure you were going to kill me" Liam mumbles and Zayn pulls away to arch an eyebrow at him, "what did Lou tell you to do?" Zayn asks, smirking. Liam frowns, "he told me to lie to you" he mumbles and Zayn shakes his head, "I love him, but Louis can give some shit advice. Don't ever lie to me Liam, please. I hate when people lie to me" he murmurs. Liam nods, "that's what Harry said, that you would be more pissed if I lied" he explains. Zayn just nods, snuggling back into Liam's side, and Liam couldn't think of anything else he'd rather be doing right this moment.

Their moment doesn't last much longer as a loud cry echoes through the baby monitor a moment later, Zayn jumps to stand up but Liam, pushes him back onto the couch, "let me, you've been running like crazy lately" he insists. Zayn just nods, as Liam stands up and makes his way upstairs to the twins nursery. When he arrives he sees Zack laying in his crib screaming, but it's not a cry Liam recognizes, Zack doesn't sound hungry, or like he needs a change, this cry sounds different, almost desperate to Liam. "Bubba, what's the matter?" Liam coos scooping the infant into his arm, the heat rolling off the boy in waves, "oh Bubs, no" Liam hums, as he sways on his feet. Zack lets out a light cough, before snuggling into Liam's chest and Liam feels his heart break a little bit, he really doesn't know what to do with this, because sure he's been around when Bella was sick, but she was never this small when Liam knew her. Liam rocks Zack gently, cooing soft words to him in an effort to soothe the infant as he moves towards the bathroom looking for the thermometer he knows Zayn stashes in there. Once he finds it he reads the directions quickly, thankful Zayn kept them before he puts the device up to Zack's ear, the infant fussing slightly at the feel, as Liam shushes him gently. Once the thermometer beeps Liam pulls it away frowning at the number, 100.1, he really has no idea what to do now.

Carefully Liam heads back downstairs to find Zayn, "Zee?" he asks once he's in the living room, seeing his husband pop up from where he was apparently lying on the couch "Zack has a fever, what do I do?" Liam asks and can hear the panic in his voice clearly. Zayn jumps to his feet, crossing the room to Liam and resting the inside of his wrist on Zack's small head, before he pouts, "poor little Bubba. You not feeling good?" Zayn coos. Zack coughs again, as if to answer Zayn who frowns, "alright. I've got some natural syrup that's safe for babies this age, the trick will just be getting him to take it, if he's anything like his big sister, we're both going to end up wearing it" he murmurs. Liam watches as Zayn walks away disappearing upstairs before returning with a small bottle and a plastic syringe in his hands, "okay. Li I need you to hold him tightly, please" Zayn murmurs as he measures out a small dose. Liam adjusts his grip on Zack so Zayn can reach his mouth, grimacing as he watches Zayn push the end of the syringe into the back of Zack's cheek, and slowly starts squeezing the medicine out. Zack's face twists in displeasure and Liam watches as the infant tries to force the syringe out with his tongue, but Zayn's persistent and manages to keep it in place until the medicine is all gone. "I'm sorry Bubba, it will help though, I promise" Zayn coos, kissing his forehead before Liam cuddles him back in close to his chest.

A/N: Here you go. 
So I know a few of you want the babysitter from the last two chapters to get what's coming to her, and she does I just didn't write it. But they press charges and everything works out okay for the family 
I hope you enjoyed these updates, please let me know what you think.( I'm having a kinda down week so please send nice comments).  
(Also yes 100 degrees is a high fever but no, even at the age the twins are, you wouldn't take them to a doctor or the hospital for anything under 101, unless it lasts for too long. ) Just an FYI for you guys
Anyways as always I love you guys and I'll talk to you next time

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