Chapter One Hundred Nine

Start from the beginning

"Why did we decide that letting Bella invite a bunch of her little friends to our house was a good idea again?" Zayn asks as he looks over the list of people who replied they and their kids would be there. Liam chuckles as Doniya laughs from the other room "because it will make her happy, and you and I will both do anything to make sure she's happy" Liam hums, kissing Zayn's cheek. Zayn rolls his eyes, knowing his husband is right, but he's already stressed out about the party and it hasn't started yet, "it will be fine" Liam murmurs, kissing Zayn's neck "what can I do?" he adds, pulling away making Zayn pout. "Can you go and pick up the cake?" Zayn asks and Liam nods, grinning widely, "of course. Anything else while I'm out?" he asks. Zayn shakes his head, because he doesn't think there is, "text me if you think of anything" Liam murmurs before he disappears from the room. Zayn watches his husband go before he sighs and turns back to the list of things he needs to get done for Bella's fourth birthday tomorrow.

Zayn's just finishing up dropping one of each of the small treats and toys into the goody bags, when his phone starts ringing on the counter, "hello...?" he asks slowly. "Oh hi, is this Zayn?" a breathless voice asks on the other end, making Zayn furrow his eyebrows. "Yes it is. Who's this?" Zayn asks confused, "oh sorry, it's Kayla, Bella's teacher" she answers him and Zayn frowns. "Hi Kayla, is everything okay?" Zayn asks, chewing on his bottom lip, and hears her sigh, "not exactly, any chance, you or your husband can come and pick Bella up?" Kayla asks. Zayn frowns deeper and nods his head, even though she can't see him, "of course. Can I ask what happened?" he murmurs, Kayla lets out a breath "you know how upset Bella was at drop off?" she asks, Zayn hums a "yes" "well, most children settle down a little after their parents leave, but Bella doesn't seem to be settling down today, and it's getting to be too disruptive for the other children" Kayla explains. Zayn understands, but at the same time is a little angry, he and Liam pay a decent amount of money for Bella to go to that school and because she's having a bad day she's being disruptive and sent home. This is what those women do for a living and he doesn't see how one tired and upset little girl can ruin everyone's day. But he doesn't say any of this, instead he sighs, and runs a hand through his hair, "yeah, Liam's out running errands, I'll get him to come and pick her up" he answers. Kayla sighs "thanks Zayn. And I'm sorry, just know this came from my supervisor not me" she mumbles, "see you later Kayla" Zayn answers before he hangs up the phone.

Zayn's just finishing sending Liam a text, not giving full details to his husband about the conversation he had with Kayla, when Doniya comes into the room carrying a quite happy looking Chloe in her arms. "Alright spill. What happened little brother?" Doniya asks. Zayn frowns before making grabby hands at his baby, Doniya laughing passes the infant into his arms, Zayn sighs happily and buries his nose in the hair on top of Chloe's head. "Bella's school just called, they want us to come get Bella because she's being disruptive because she's tired and cranky" he explains. Doniya makes a face, "isn't that kind of part of their job?" she asks and Zayn sighs nodding. "Yeah. And Liam's going to flip when he finds out why he had to pick her up early" Zayn mumbles. Doniya nods and wraps an arm around Zayn's shoulders, "it will all work out. You'll see" she murmurs kissing Zayn's cheek, before dropping a kiss to Chloe's head. "But if Liam's going to be pissed. I'm gonna leave. He's scary when he's angry" Doniya teases and Zayn rolls his eyes at his sister, "thanks for coming by" he mumbles, kissing her cheek. Doniya waves him away, before turning to head towards the door, "call me if you need anything" she calls over her shoulder, before she's gone and Zayn's alone with his two babies.

The door opens not too much later, and Zayn's glad he's gotten both twins to sleep in their cribs only minutes ago. "Zee, we're home" Liam calls up the stairs before Bella comes barrelling into the living room and throwing herself onto the couch beside Zayn. Liam comes in a moment after her and frowns, "so she's not sick, or injured care to explain to me why we had to pick her up so early?" he asks. Zayn bites his lip and shakes his head, watching as his husband frowns, sighing Zayn turns to Bella, "Arabella, can you go play for a minute, Baba needs to talk to Daddy for a minute" he murmurs. Bella tilts her head to the side and frowns, before she kisses Zayn's face and runs out of the room. Zayn wipes off his face before turning to face Liam who is looking at him expectantly, "apparently Bella being tired, and therefore cranky was too disruptive to the other kids at her school so she had to leave" Zayn says quickly, but he can tell Liam heard him as his eyebrows furrow. "So the trained professionals that we pay more money than we should to look after and teach Bella, three days a week, decided she was too difficult and kicked her out?" Liam asks, and Zayn bites his lip as he nods, "Li" he murmurs but Liam shakes his head, "no Zayn. This isn't how you conduct business and now our little girl isn't getting anything from today because they quit because it was hard" he mumbles. Zayn frowns, "I get it Li. I'm pissed too, but what can we do?" he asks. Liam smiles but it's not really a happy smile, it's one Zayn's seen before when he's making a business deal that benefits him and Niall more than the other guy, "I'll take care of it" Liam mumbles before he kisses Zayn quickly and heads down to his office. 

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