Chapter 46-Together

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As son as I reached our room and my back hit our door I couldn't have it in me to control it and I released my tears. Things are looking very bad now and I don't even know how to deal with them. A depression and despair is forming in me with each minute passing that I couldn't find Blake. It's silly really! People say you don't know the value of something until you lose it. I knew about Blake even before such a thing happened! I knew how much he matters to me but still I couldn't get him and keep him with me! What a petty thing I am!

"You know," A familiar voice said making me snap my head up immediately, "This is the place where we spent our time together."

There stood Blake with his back towards me and facing the bed. For a moment I was shocked and couldn't fathom whether I am hallucinating or this, I mean Blake here is true. Don't tell me Blake already died and I am seeing his spirit which came to bid me good bye wishing me a happy life. Is he a fleeting ghost that I am seeing and after the last words that he say he will slowly disappear into the wind.

"You know the first the day I saw you," He continued still not facing me. "It was in the library. You were reading a book in a corner with utmost seriousness. You were so immersed in it that you forgot about your surroundings. I sat there mesmerized by you and watched you for hours. You smiled while reading, felt anxious, sad and even cried while reading the book. I was so fascinated by you. The you who felt the book and cried and laughed along with the characters.

You were like a black hole sucking me in. Each one of your expressions were unique and drew me in. I fell in love with you from the very start even though I didn't want to accept that. When you smiled I wanted to be beside and smile with you. I wanted to be the reason you smile. When you felt anxious I wanted to share you burden and ease your worries. When you cried I wanted to wipe those tears from your eyes. I wanted to provide a shoulder for you to cry on. I wanted to wrap myself around you as a protective layer and protect you from everything. Mostly I wanted to be with you every second. I want to be with you in everything. Every single passing second. I want to be with you so much that much it hurts."

He turned back and looked at me his eyes expressing loneliness and sadness that I can't even put it in words.

"Even now I want to hug and not let you go. I want to cage you in my arms and not let you go even if you cry and shout at me to let you go. I want to imprison you and capture you. What should I do? What should I to capture you? I want to be mean to you and kidnap you. I want to make use of my power and separate you two. As long as I can be with you it seems that I don't care even if I have to be the villain. I want to see you happy but when I think I am not the one who makes you smile I start to think it is better even if you cry being with me. I am such an evil person. I don't think I can give up until I die. Is there any chance to turn your heart back and love me? I know it was a mistake to treat you like that. It was wrong of me but don't you think the punishment you are giving me is too much.  Can't you forgive me?"

I looked at hi without blinking holding my breathe thinking that he will disappear any moment.

"Blake?" I whispered he words very low scared that if my voice gets any louder somehow it will disrupt the things around me and make him disappear. I slowly got up and walked towards him with baby steps and trying not to make any sound. I am seriously scared that any sudden movement or energy would make him  disappear. I am scared that he will disappear any second now.

Slowly the distance between us decreased and he was within arms distance finally and I can confirm that he is really here and that it was not my imagination. My heart was beating too fast and its beating sound increase making me deaf to everything except my heartbeat. I slowly reached out to touch but I felt the time to drag along as if each second is another hour.

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